Angry Wasp

Oh that armor is "really" going to be protecting her.

On one hand I oppose this defilement of musical classics, on the other hand, Christopher Walken.

He's a libertarian.

The idea that we have proven facts over held religious beliefs galls me.

Ah the libertarians and the fundamentalists team up to attack anyone who threatens their closely held religious beliefs.

Every time I see a picture from the TMNT movie I throwup a bit in my mouth for some reason.

Sorry I consider it almost as bad as Move Along Home was for DS9

Book 2 I thought was overall good.


Seriously if you want to fix the universities put them on sports allowances, and cut the administrative staff by at least half.

Can we name them Putin Huilo?

I would, I've had it happen while drving to Chicago that there were three super cars driving in and out of traffic, I didn't notice them until they were less then a 1/8th of a mile a way and I was beginning to pass a semi, those three tailgated me while I tried to to get pass the semi, really was not a fun experience.

How safe would you feel if there were a bunch of cars racing around you?

Not this?

I think it has promise, but if it does survive the crash (and seriously this is inevitable when their valuing companies whose entire reason to exist is for people to post selfies at over a billion dollars). It will most likley not be under the current leadership, and also probably have had to make peace with the

No, Norquist is not a soc con, however he has happily engaged in race baiting, and has given huge support to these voter disfranchisement laws. Basically he thinks supporting something that at best indirectly helps them will get them to like you, while at the same time you beat them over the head.