Angry Wasp

Same here.

I say they made it alot better, shame they didn't get a third season, that show was like a throwback to the Legendary Journeys.

A run time problem/= Sanitized. I mean have you seen that movie?

Now playing

It does have the greatest Disney Villain song though.

That was newline, also I think that Time Warner may have been worried it would interfere with their big flagship Harry Potter. Also the director just really wasn't that good, all he can do is sex comedies.

You forgot about Zeus's bigger asshole son, Ares. The only reason he isn't is becuase he's so pathtic, like getting shot by his half sister or stuck into a jar, while trying to fight giants.

Yeah that's the least of his crimes. Try child abuse, genocide, being a generally spiteful piece of shit, murdering protestors, oh yeah and kicking everyone who he doesn't like outside of reality.

Went to college in the future only to be a college dropout.

So that meant make an equally stupid comment?

Also how does the death of the western roman empire correlate to christianity? Considering that the crisis of the third century had already severely weakened the empire, and saw almost the entire north western portion become separate from the Empire for 20 years? Or that Constantine restore order after the chaos

Oh you mean 1453? Although eve there you have Ottoman Sultans proclaiming themselves Kaiseyr Y Rum into the 17th century.

Oh you mean when the Goths took over the western Roman empire, kept all its institutions, except had aryanism over the protoorthodox/ catholic version as the religion, and kept things going until Justinian decided he wanted to have the entire Mediterranean bow to New Rome?

As a christian I would like to ask you to shut the fuck up, you stupid idiot.

Yeah around 1204. Hmm took 900 years.

Remember everyone disrespecting someone for asserting that their beleifs that have no proof be treated as 100% factual now makes you a nazi.

It not going to stop, hell in fact we are not despite what the two idiots above ight like heading to an era of no government, but an era of more government collusion with big buisness, the monopolar world allowed for big business to expand, but that has been melting away these past six years. Don't be surprised to see

Disco was a blight on mankind.

I thank god that this is not reality. Disco would have never died!

Oh look another.