Angry Wasp

You want him to become this guy?

They did,

Yeah that was my bad. I do thank God it in Jordan. Saudi Arabia can go fuck itself.

I whole wholeheartedly agree, also I say we don't just make it for the military, but allow people to instead take part in public works, like for instance working on our infrastructure.

For some reason I thought it was in Saudi Araba, thanks for correcting me.

I fear it will suffer the same fate as those Buddhas, and as happened during the Beedelstorm. Islam in Saudi Arabia has been overtaken by the Wahhabi, and they will burn all icons, in their quest to purify everyone whether they wish to be purified or not.

Time warner will not be selling a money maker like DC, yes they have had some losses, but they are coming from their print news areas, you know the Time in Time Warner, what is most likely going to happen is that in the next 5 years Time will end its print run, as well as People, and maybe even Sports Illustrated.

Also in the same time the food prices have increaced, the buying power has increased 4100% compared to a food prince increased of 1619%. So yes your entire argument is bullshit.

Uh dude this obviously proves you wrong. When the government got out of the economy it boomed. You just admitted what I've been trying to explain to you for the last 20+ posts

Oh btw, your own hero MIsses had his own prescription of how to solve the great depression, he got carte blanche to try it out on Austria, it ended up sending unemployment through the rood, leading to his ouster, and also sending many Austrians to the Nazi party. Wow you libertarians really do have a success story do

Yes and as I pointed out that argument is bullsiht, because in times of depression, food production goes down because no one can afford food, wow I guess we can add second grade reading comprehension to what you cannot do.

No I am not, there is no problem created by artificial demand if it helps create factors for actual demand to begin, this is simple. Also a bubble will not be created by a necessity, because what do you know people don't buy a necessity in great exess specially if that necessity would spoil in a month, as say compared

BTW I have come to the conclusion based on your lack of knowledge of food as a necessity that you are to stupid to actually be a liar.

Right you can create a bubble with a basic need that is consumed regularly and is replaced regularly. Well you could create a bubble if you idiotically allow it to be traded as a commodity. But then Keyeans are about your dreaded regulation so your food bubble your wailing about wouldn't exist. Also idiot and yes you

Its never been debunked, show me it being debunked, unless you show proof I will have to assume you are as always lying. Also how is buying food and other basic necessities a bubble? Please show me how you can create a bubble for basic necessities. Also bubbles existed long before Keynesianism, in fact it was

Not that a delusional libertarian would understand basic logic.

Also wanted to give you a nice dose of reality, it is not a extreme left wing view that increasing demand increases employment.