Angry Wasp

Yeah deliberately ignoring contradictory data is lying. Also I see you cannot actually respond to how the poor when given money spend it immediately increase demand. Because what do you know you do not have a lie to disprove it.

I already showed you were wrong and also pointed out that your argument actually goes against reality because the poor spend extra money immediately, leading to increase demand, leading to increased hiring in places selling small goods, and food. The great depression as I said was world wide, you ignored this, I also

Did I ever say that?

You ignored it, you know the fact that government was keeping interest rates low meant much lower debt burdens, the government also had expanded its reach into healthcare ensuring a more fairer field. Than we also have huge government programs like the US highway system spurring growth. Of course you will deny this

I did, you chose to not accept ti, because reality must be fought at every turn when one is a libertarian idiot. Its been fun seeing you deny reality at every turn and show yourself off as an idiot.

I did, thanks for being unable to handle the truth libertarian. I mean its like required that you e unable to face facts or exist in the same reality that the other 90% of humans live in.

Ah I see you cannot deal with reality libertarian. I will give you props for not resorting to lies. Also the post war expansion shows Keynesianism works perfectly well libertarian.

Oh look are we going to hear how the 1920 Depression was less bad, despite the fact that that depression was caused by factories having to shift from war production and the fact that the federal government and the states actually embarked on public work programs and stopped it from happening. You know what didn't

Thereactually quite good libertarian, the fact that you cannot stand that Keynesian kept order in society for 30 years, and that order only evaporated when the first oil shock happened just shows you cannot face reality. But that is typical of libertarians see how your kind wants to do nothing about global warming.,

You would be surprised how much is written in books for sale advocating actions that are morally reprehensible. That is just the tip of the icr berg.

Oh what do you know another right winger spouting bullshit. Its not like later he suggested it was a bad idea and that the Austrians weren't suggesting letting Detroit be destroyed.

Oh both parties hate nuclear power, both are full to the brim of NIMBY shitheads.

Name one who actually hold elected office.

Oh "truth is in the middle bullshit".

Yes a item with designs that look at best Eastern Roman, and a cros, which did not become the symbol of Christ until the second century is of course the Holy Grail.

Yes, do it. Albeit the pilot is a bit weak, and the first few episodes could be better, but it soon really gets good. Especially when they begin to bring his whole crew along.

This would be even cooler if it were all the flashes.

Also Gotham is on Fox.