Solid comparison! The staff of a blog doing Fuck, Marry, Kill about celebrities is exactly the same as it happening in the workplace with supervisors keeping a running list of their subordinates...
Solid comparison! The staff of a blog doing Fuck, Marry, Kill about celebrities is exactly the same as it happening in the workplace with supervisors keeping a running list of their subordinates...
Isn’t toxic masculinity fucking awesome? Seriously though, let’s get their matriarchy started already. The patriarchy is a failure. Men, you have failed society.
Few things:
::3 days from now:: “I never said I was taking it! Who says I said I was taking it?! The Fake News Media!”
$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else.
I used to bartend at a hole-in-the-wall bar in a University town that also had a police training institute. The trainees (men and, once, a woman) would come in and get shitfaced wasted (like anyone else), but would talk very openly and loudly about all of the “thugs” and “shitheels” they were going to “bust” as soon…
It says a lot that I was actually relieved they weren’t shots of her dead body.
Law enforcement all across the nation attracts MANY thugs, sociopaths, psychopaths and ‘roided up misfits. It attracts them like flies on shit. Mostly because the courts have repeatedly said it was ok to reject the better, more intelligent applicants because there was more “turnover” with them.Law enforcement was set…
Mate of mine had a very tall girlfriend who became a cop here in Australia. After she did her firearms training she brought home one of her paper targets and hung it on the wall. It had four very closely spaced hits right in the paper dude’s throat. And underneath was written: “You WILL put the toilet seat down.”
I always wonder about the mindset of any person who lives their life as a civilian and in their early 20s, or whenever most people join the police force, decides that what they really want to do for their hustle is to uphold state powers and basically be a narc. I know there’s the whole putting criminals away and…
No wonder pissy white men are so terrified of black women, and fighting so hard to prevent Western society becoming an actual meritocracy. They know their inferiority. They know that if women like this received what they actually deserve, there’d be nothing left for their sorry arses.
its a church leader. of course nothing needs to make sense. church is where praising all powerful sky papi is the same as being invincible
I have mentioned this in another comment thread, but my dear friend who was a manager when I got promoted to a manager for a department store, said to me “your company will never remember how you showed up at 5 am the day after Thanksgiving, or came in on your day off. But your children will remember. “ The perfect…
My friend Cindy is the mom I wish I had. Understanding, generous with her time and knowledge, deeply kind. I was going through some issues at an old job and she gave me some advice I use every day.
Right? I mean...does he think daily testing prevents infection? Like it’s a vaccine or something?
You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the…
My family has had a series of weird cats, but Cleo the Wonder Cat beat them all.
I was volunteering at an animal sanctuary. It had domestic and exotic animals and in a couple pens they lived together. A few of us were going to work on an enclosure that belonged to a border collie and coyote. They would be inside with us. The director warned us not to put anything down because the coyote would pick…
I grew up in Vermont and my Dad loved to ice fish. We had a chocolate lab who loved water so much that he would put his head in every single ice fishing hole my dad drilled. The first time he did it I thought “there’s a mistake he won’t make again!" Wrong. He loved it. Came up, shook off, went to the next hole. He…
Just FYI, lots of journalists view an off-the-record agreement as void if it’s used to cover up obvious lies, i.e., you tell them one thing off the record, then directly contradict what you said on the record, as happened here.