
Starred. Some of us HATE to watch our news (even Jezebel “news”) in video form. Please stop it.

Why is this a video?

I intend to be cremated when I go.  If they also manage to create electricity while burning my corpse I’m not going to be mad.  That would actually be kinda clever.

Fuck me, you win the internet for the day. Now take your star and fuck off for the rest of the day.

Why can’t you fool an aborted fetus?

Several of us - on the original post regarding the police finding them - called the fact that this is why they had possession of the fetus in the first place. They were using them to create “gotcha” videos.

Another interesting piece of information: The owner of the house used to clerk for Clarence Thomas.

If it helps (?), it’s perfectly normal for biomedical waste to be burned like that. You can’t very well put it out with the trash. It’s a biohazard.

Oh absolutely, this was going to be some sort of a prop or performance piece given their penchant for such things and either they immediately realized this wasn’t tenable (beyond mere squeamishness) or they realized oops, yeah, no, fetuses don’t all look like perfectly formed mini-babies right off the bat. Yeesh.

Nothing says “I value the sanctity of LIFE” quite like strolling up to a medical waste truck and asking for all the fetuses they’ve got.

I doubt these monsters buried the fetuses because they wanted to properly bury them. I have no doubt that these forced birthers thought that they would be able to use these fetuses to create some fraudulent/project veritas like sting video to prove that planned parenthood or some local doctor was harvesting fetal body

Okay, who had “fetus unboxing video” on their Bizarre Internet Phrase bingo card this month?

“We are saving babies. Over here. And here. And some over there...”

It’s nice to see the Criminal Justice System finally work to the benefit of the young, white males burdened by accurate descriptions of their heinous actions.

Likely because it's rare enough that no one cared enough to actually make a law against it.

Why does a clean criminal history absolve you from a crime?

Why does it feel like the judge is sympathizing with the rapist because he might be a sexual predator himself. Fuck people saying boys will be boys when it comes to sexual assault.

Aside from all the other horrible things here, why isn’t it illegal for a judge to overturn their own convictions in order to bypass mandatory minimum sentences? Like, I disagree with mandatory minimums on principle, but this is simply not the way to fix them. Also, four years for rape in no way is too much

Go ahead MRA knuckledraggers, tell us some more about how the pendulum has swung too far. Dickholes.

I have NO doubt, that judges that sympathize with rapists have done the exact same thing in their youth, never got caught, and also feel that it’s not wrong. Consent means nothing to them, so they cannot fathom that consent actually means something to people who are decent, and not rapists.