
This happened to me briefly many years ago. I of course realized immediately and made him stop. And then I acted like everything was normal because he didn’t think it was a big deal so I figured I was overreacting. I took several pregnancy tests (probably overkill) because getting pregnant is one of my greatest fears.

I love this so much. I’ve only recently come to accept my fat body, partly due to Aubrey Gordon of the Maintenance Phase podcast and the book What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat (highly recommend both). I’ve been dieting since I was in elementary school. My mom, who is not fat, constantly talks about losing

Definitely not, and when life goes back to normal I have no idea how I’ll start wearing them again.

Right? I remember one time I had to call the judge and opposing attorney the morning of the court hearing because I had food poisoning. The attorney told me “I hope you’re sick for a good reason!” I was stunned for a moment before I realized he was taking about pregnancy. It’s insane to me that men automatically think

Holy shit. This is bonkers. Is it weird that I want to watch the video?

All of you sharing your stories should listen to the Birth Allowed podcast. You’ll hear horrifying stories but also about advocates who are working hard to make sure women have rights while in labor. I can’t recommend it enough!

It’s summertime and I live in the south. With the amount of boob sweat, I wash mine after every use. I had no idea people don’t do that. 

It’s summertime and I live in the south. With the amount of boob sweat, I wash mine after every use. I had no idea

Oh wow! I had no idea. That’s insane that they don’t want to get the brightest people possible. That sounds like a policy created by people who didn’t test very high...

Except you can rape someone without a penis. 

She’s supposed to announce her plans on Monday or Tuesday this week!

Read the linked article. That’s where everyone got that information. 

I’m confused. Who doesn’t eat basil?

Yeah, but it would just be taken out of the reward money. 

Nursing homes and prisons love donated books! No reason to destroy them. 

Someone else posted that they tipped a TSA agent, who cried with gratitude. I imagine any kind of gesture would be appreciated. 

Omg. Did research based on your comment. And it’s linked to fatty liver disease. It’s actually pretty scary!

Ummm...what about peaches?!!! They are sweet and juicy and affordable and the smell!!! 

I’m going to a small-ish con in February and planned to see him. I’m a huge Star Trek fan and am so disappointed, but not really surprised.

So this seems like it would be pretty useful in a lawsuit claiming that Fox News created a hostile work environment. The fact that the clause is in there is clear evidence that they knew people were being harassed and never intended to do anything about it.

Lol, I had no idea about it but when I clicked on your link, it looks like three of my friends are going!