
That’s awesome!

Lol, I think jealous/horrified is a reasonable reaction. It was a wonderful/awful experience.

You’re welcome! But I have to admit that I only asked the follow-up question. A bad-ass feminist named Kristy has been working hard to figure out how to get rape kits tested in our community and the rest of Georgia, and she is the one that asked the initial question. I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did. I

I’m sure you’re completely right.

I really appreciate the calls. He wanted national attention for holding so many, so now he’ll get it :)

I did rage cry at the end of day two (later, in the car) after a Buddy-loving asshole told a 17-year-old to “get a job” when he asked about student debt. This brave kid went up to Buddy afterwards and told him he wished he’d stood up for him. His response was “want to get a picture?” I pushed him to answer, and he

More fun facts: The town hall in Savannah was held in an evangelical church. The police attempted to stop us from handing out literature about Planned Parenthood because it was against church rules. Those of us without PP shirts on handed it out discreetly. One brave teen stood up and asked if him holding it there was

The bright spot in all of this is I made friends everywhere I went. The two people I traveled with will be my friends for life. A woman who had never met us bought us lunch. We had trouble making it to the next town hall at times because all of the progressives congregated together afterwards and couldn’t stop

Off your topic kind of, but the mainsplaining was awful! We all know perfectly well that rape kits are a state and local issue, but there are federal grants that can give states money to test them, which is what the question was about. He just like to lecture us like we’re idiots.

Thank you so much, Ellie, for your article. I love it, I only wish I’d remembered to tell you the name of the woman asking the question! She’s a bad-ass feminist and went with me to 8 town halls.

I can always count on Jez to report these kinds of horrible things our representatives say. I’m very grateful!

He is our fault. He ran unopposed in the last election because our Democratic Committees here are a joke. But we have a candidate stepping forward for 2018, thank god.

No, he won’t. The lady who asked that question met with him six months ago and then again a month ago, provided him all of the information, begged for his help, and then at this town hall acted like he had no idea what she was talking about.

Your comment made my day. I’m the one that recorded this and sent it to Jez. I followed him around for three days, went to eight town halls, and I feel like I need a week to get the slime off of my soul. He’s convinced there we’re part of some conspiracy in his district that shouldn’t be taken seriously, so I love

One of the reasons that I don’t like going to the movies is the lack of closed-caption, and I’m not hearing impaired. Sometimes you can’t hear the dialogue over the music, and I don’t like to miss anything. They’re always on at my house.

Even in Savannah we’re following his campaign closely. We’ve organized a ton of progressives here, and Ossoff’s victory would be huge for morale.

Yes! My congressman ended his town hall by saying he’d pray for all of us and I yelled out “I’d prefer you actually do something!”

Ellie, thank you so much for writing this article. It was very rewarding to hear about other people’s experiences. My own with Buddy Carter was so frustrating, and it really helped to be able to share my story.

I wish I could agree with you. The republicans are still claiming that they’re going to repeal and “replace,” but doing it incrementally instead of a large bill, keeping in place the few things they like (children staying on parents’ plan until 26) and getting rid of the parts that actually make something like this

Buddy Carter from Georgia.