
He threw a temper tantrum last week and the Republicans watched and said, “Yeah! That’s what we need more of in the highest court of the nation!”

You think we've been hysterical? Fuck you, you haven't begun to see my raging hysteria.

Susan Collins went OUT OF HER WAY to be a totally traumatic asshole.

Yes, exactly!!! Even setting all the allegations aside - his vile and vitriolic, partisan rant showed him unsuitable for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in our land.

I think Ford deserves better. She did her part by telling the truth; she shouldn’t be punished by being insulted to her face again.

Ever since McCain did that whole “you’ll have to wait and see” shit with ACA every bloody Senator seems to want a moment like this. Collins was clearly always going to go for the drunk assaulter as a real Nice GuyTM but she wanted her “moment for the books” on top.

Right? If you wanna talk about someone who’s had their life smeared in front of the world...

May this farce and Susan Collins empty speech put an end to the nonsense she’s one of the good Republicans. Her mind was always made up and her resolve was strengthened by the protests. She’s like every other conservative except worse cause she hid behind being a “moderate.”

There was something profoundly gross about that speech. My skin crawls just thinking about it. 

in a 43-minute speech, announced she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh

Thanks for getting it white Senator Collins.

Kavanaugh promised her? He promised?

I’m glad you got something out of it, I too am a survivor and while I respect her and thank her for her efforts, they were for naught.

I am not trying to find a silver lining here, there isn’t one, women didn’t come out if this with anything, other than more pain and humiliation.  I have lost 2 friends in the last 2

Proof that republican’s sense of victimhood will always trump any other reality. They control all three branches of government now... Mueller’s investigation is utterly bust. Jeff Sessions is out... Rosenstein is out... Trump’s tax evasion will disappear... There is no fucking justice for the rich.

“He has been an exemplary public servant, judge, teacher, coach, husband, and father,” she said.

I’m a Mainer. I’ve tried calling Senator Collins for WEEKS and all her voicemailboxes ate full. Nobody answers the phone. Senator King - got through to a nice young man on first call and had a great conversation. And then the day Dr. Ford & Kavenaugh testifies.... I was saddened, nauseated, enraged... over the course

Castigate Collins, but also Manchin and Flake. Collins shouldn’t be held to a higher moral standard because she’s a woman.

With all of this shit I have to wonder if someone already did that and *we’re* the ones in the fucked timeline.

I would research a time machine for real to undo this, hell, I’d try to undo before 2016. If it was an actual possibility. (It’s probably not) The butterfly effect could potentially change so many things, but maybe it would be worth it.

Fuck you so much you hag.