
Well, i guess they needed her vote, after 30 mind sucking minutes there’s the vote they need.

Me too! I couldn’t bear it! It was so self-serving. All that to say, YES, I’m an azzhole too!

I had to turn off her speech on the Senate floor. I would say I’ve never seen anyone shovel so much shit for so long, but then I remember who our president is. What a disgusting attempt to justify her actions. 

She just said - in the middle of a huge speech about evil Democrats, Kavanuagh’s amazing record, and how full of shit Dr. Ford is - that the protections offered by Roe v Wade “are so very important to me”.

Looks like my prediction was wrong. Watching her speak now and this coward is going to vote yes. 

Watching her now. She’s kissing his drunken, belligerent ass. 

Not a Maine woman, but a Maine man here (my partner is a Maine woman).

This speech is a goddamn travesty. 

Listening to her on the floor on the senate it’s pretty clear how she’s going to vote.

Sure sounds that way; just heard her talk about ACA and she’s now listing all kinds of Kav-favorable precedents about checks on presidential power.

Until proven otherwise, I just assume Republicans will do the most despicable thing possible.  It hasn’t let me down thus far.

IMO, the fact that Susan Collins STILL hasn’t decided would be enough for me to write her off if I was from Maine. I mean, doesn’t she understand that? She literally had 3 options: Save yourself, die quickly but with (subjective) dignity, or endure a slow and agonizing death.  

Can we stop with the charade that Collins is actually a moderate? Can we call her what she is, a “pretend-moderate”? Or at least make sure there are quotation marks around “moderate” whenever the term is used to describe her?

I called the senators office this morning to leave a message, and it was strange:

You get three extensions to call to leave a VM; I chose the first, x13, and there was a prerecorded message that started innocuouslly enough but then strayed immediately into something along the lines of “because Senator Collins can’t

Listen, it hasn’t happened yet. She might not and that would be great. But the fact that we have to sit here and stress out over whether a woman will support women over rapists means she has to be voted out.

Collins is a spineless windbag that goes out of her way to try to look independent before caving.

Except they really are going to control the Supreme Court for the rest of my lifetime. That’s history. That’s reality. That’s a problem.

Holding your breath waiting for SuCo to do the right thing is asking  for death by auto-politic asphyxiation.

I think she’ll say yes. She’s a trump stooge.

The only person more horrifying than an old white conservative woman - Susan Collins - is an old white conservative male.