
First, everyone bitches about how slowly paced the show is and how entire episodes pass without anything happening. Now it’s all too fast and too much happens.

I’ll have to watch it again but I presumed it was dragon entrails.

Who fucking cares..honestly.

Dead Bath & Beyond

Is that a laden or unladen raven?

You’re absolutely right.

There are many types of cool.


If you have a Lorazepam handy, this might be a good time for some self care, internet stranger.

Panama what a beautiful heart breaking piece to read. I’m the mother to a wonderful biracial boy and the wife to an incredible black man who made it from the Foster Care System to the Ivy Leagues. I respect admire and adore your writing. My husband and I are raising our kid to fully embrace the biracial experience

It’s too bad, these days you’re lucky to have a dissenting comment even approved on a blog post - the inability to be civil towards those with differing opinions is definitely a problem that resonates.

While bunk, this does feed into the ex google employees screed.

When your article title or comment indicates you read the word “different” as “better than” it reveals a lot about your own personal bias.

An extreme lack of people who have actually read the text here. Either you are full-fledged ideologs who won’t accept another viewpoint than your own, or you actually think that any critique against social constructionism is automatically sexist. I don’t know which is scarier.

To point out that women and men in general

Men Have Always Used ‘Science’ to Explain Why They’re *Different* Than Women.

No. It takes quality. And what exactly parenting means is ambiguous. Some of the most solid, well-rounded human beings I know spent large parts of their lives away from their parents (e.g. borading schools). It’s also bogus and unfair to argue how it takes time while ommitting the clear subtext which is that it takes

You are literally the fucking problem. You and this mindset of “Oh shit who’s going to pat my back when I say this really righteous shit about this thing that’s popular to talk about right now”

Clearly you know nothing, because not only is requisitioning self-sealing stem bolts fun, its not just one form, its three! And they have to be done in triplicate! So its 9x as much joy as you are making it out to be.

God damn EVE is so interesting. I just wish the actual gameplay was more fun than filling out a Starfleet requisition form for self-sealing stem bolts.

happy to see that hbo has tapped martin to write the novelization of g.o.t. seasons 7 and 8.