
“My Aunt banged Tony Stark and all I got was this Lousy T-Shirt” T-shirt

Obviously proof that Peter is banging Pepper behind Tony’s back.

obviously proof Peter and Tony are sleeping with each other

Break-It Ralph 2: Ewrecktric Boogaloo

We’ll find out everything there is to know about the V man: his dreams, his desires, his most intimates of intimates, and from what I’m looking at, “intimate” is the stud muffin’s middle name. So tell me my man, are you nervous in the service?

You get two good spidey films before a reboot. This was the accord set down by our peoples and the media gods, and it will be honored unto our 7th generation’s 7th generation of children.


It’s a shame that SoundCloud is struggling to carve out its own unique niche in a market of titans casting a wide net.

I worked with a guy when I was posted in Sudan...awesome (and genius) guy with a thick Tennessee drawl...

Took him out for Indian to a great place I knew...they made the best Dal Makhani in Africa...I swear it. He’d never had it I made him try it.

I think it works much better for him to just say “Go on, do your duty,” if you think about who Stannis is - resolute a lawful-neutral character.

Oh suuure, for all those hoity-toity high society types concerned with things like glasses. I bet they eat their hot pockets with knives and forks too.

I read the whole (unredacted) interview. I know we all know this, but...I just can’t believe this clown is POTUS.

Call Tom Sawyer. There’s a whole lot of white washin’ a-going on down yonder.

meanwhile, we’re still wiping our asses with paper.....

It’s an insult to basketballs, is what it is. That’s gratitude for ya.

brexit happened

I know that the duck is a representation of a toy duck instead of a real duck, but still: Monopoly now has three theropod dinosaurs as game pieces.

I stick with BBT mostly for Amy Farrah Fowler.