
This is a great breakdown of a growing problem within the Disney Star Wars universe.

After listening to 18 months of “Rogue One is going to suck because Gareth Edwards wants to make a gritty war movie and there is no way Disney lets him kill everyone off”, and then actually seeing Rogue One, I’m assigning this article “the hottest take” status.

The more incoherent these movies become, the easier it is to spot Michael Bay’s pet motifs. The good guys will always be hunted or ignored by the political establishment, while the bad guys will generally find political allies. The human heroes will be a combination of schlubby bros, cut soldiers, and women who

I am willing to pay more taxes if we can set up space flights that take flat-earthers up to see for theselves that the Earth is round. Once they see it is in fact round we throw them out the airlock for wasting our money on shit they should have known.

And here’s “a sanctimonious twit.”

I hate pretzel salt. It’s coarse, it’s rough, and when you take a bite it falls off and gets everywhere.

Game of Stones. C’mon.

I think his modeling has truly captured the essence of how one feels paying for these clothes. Or maybe he’s just really, really mad at his mom dropping him off at school RIGHT in front of all his friends again. Geez, mom!

As the whining starts about the wisdom of spending money on space research/exploration while there are other issues facing India:

Exactly this.

I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. Which papers are you reading? I’m a Londoner and we all accept there are risks to living in a big city (air pollution, crime, poverty, traffic accidents etc). However, there are some key issues to remember before you start mouthing off about ‘failure of multiculturalism’:

You are trying way to hard. You’re like a boggle game filled with random Trumpisms.

I am pretty much convinced that right wingers get off on these sorts of terror attacks. They literally derive joy from people being killed, as long as the killer was muslim/non-white.

Because blood is thicker than water? And that’s because oil and water don’t mix because oil once cheated on water with olives.

But Kellyanne Conway *is* ugly. To her core, where it counts.

(chuckle) Most of my childhood was watching my 6'2" Amazonian Mom fight the telecommunications industry in the late 70's when they were firing all Switchboard operators, without offering them other jobs... Because line crew work was Man’s work. (GTE Equality Class action suit, look it up) Her take for over a Decade

Seems like they are saying that being a good person has been transformed into a pastiche of talking points and following the right people on twitter. Society purports to vilify “bad guys” and lift up “good guys” and because the media we interact with is necessarily shallow, we are shallow as well in our ideas about

This is what being shallow gets you. You accept the appearance of people, or their projection of “eligible”, “progressive”, etc. at face value. After all of this time and progress, society is just run a full lap around peace, and now we are stuck back in the darkness. Somehow, being a good person has been commoditized