
Counterpoint: if you spend every hour of your day angry, you’ll only end up hurting yourself.

It’s just called “rugby”... in the same way that you don’t say “baby kitten” - and was named after a town in England.

“Ruggers” are those who play the sport - as “rugby footballers” would confuse the fuck out of the British.

“Rugby” is a great name for the sport as it does not mention either 1) an appendage utilized to

Let me tell you something. We are not winning against the bugs anymore. They are not sending their best, they are sending their asteroids. It’s time we build a space shield. A great, impenetrable, powerful, beautiful, Terran space shield. Believe me. Tremendous.

I love this movie and think it’s brilliant (& I don’t like the original book).

And what’s wrong with that, you ape, you want to live forever?!?

This article was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable article that isn’t on anyone’s “must read” list.

Am I the only one who thinks that the characters were good enough, and that this is just being completely overblown?

Here’s why: it’s all fantasy, fake, and not real.

This is pretty common for smaller fighters squaring off against larger fighters, gender ignored; I believe the luchador guy in Street Fighter has the exact same move. Any pro wrestler has probably executed or suffered a frankensteiner before, which is the same thing, minus the spinning. It’s basically about using

Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list”

Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list.

And it’s one of the only reasons, outside of listening to Benedict Cumberbatch’s amazing wandering accent, to pick up Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list.”

Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list”

The HIMYM finale was so terrible it made me angry. They undid all of Barney’s character development and it turned out the mother was just a means to the end of Ted having children and luckily she died young to facilitate his continued pursuit of Robin. They majorly betrayed their audience.

Twin Peaks.

This has to be one of the biggest “no shit” moments in major scientific announcements lately. Was there ever strong evidence that avoiding peanuts until three actually reduced allergies, or was it just to reduce allergic reactions?

Ha, reminds me of the time I was trying to break up a stupid bar fight. Got the guys separated but one dude was still acting crazy, so crazy in fact he punched the goddamned wall. I proceeded to step right up to his face like a total badass, and just calmly said, “Boards don’t hit back.”