
The color is called “Jimny Cricket Green”.

It “in no way violates canon” because canon got thrown out the airlock a while back.

Making it a group of secret agents would fit in well the the CBS wheelhouse. That put’s it closer to MacGyver and NCIS:LLcoolJ

“using an Animus device to expire the past.”


“the pair then performed a new song”

Circle of life.

Uh-oh ....

18 years ago that was our snap.

God damnit that made me laugh. Take your damn star

Aaaaaand I thought that opening image was real before I read the headline...

It’s her story, she doesn’t JK around.

Does it have a T-Rex?

I honestly thought I was watching some Ready Player One footage.

I was all “Hold on - did I just recognize Prime, Starscream and Shockwave from their looks alone?”

Okay now here we go.   Michael was that too hard?   They look like Transformers and not just metal all over the place.  

They don’t owe that on the Echo. He says he’s stuck driving an Echo because the other unnamed car has a bad CVT.

How brave of Yandy.

Roller coaster of emotions.