Is this named after the town in Colorado?
I bet he was tired afterwards.
That’s not surprising considering we’re all born to be wild.
I’d take Detective Pikachu any day over other employed Pikachus out there, like Proctologist Pikachu...
Well it’s a good thing it had the extra cooling of being a Tundra.
Sacré bleu...
To mutilate a quote: Gatorade - It’s got what PS4 Pro’s crave.
How long before there’s a piece written out there in the wild that somehow manages to blame them for putting themselves into a situation like this twice?
I can see it now...
After listening to his crazy rant over the theories and diagrams yesterday (think the podcast was from last week), I can only imagine.
Right now, in the Kinda Funny studio, there is a very disappointed Tim Gettys.
Honestly “Cricket Green” would really be the best name for this color on a Suzuki Jimny.
I saw that and, given I’m at work, quickly and promptly scrolled down haha.
Came here expecting some kind of use of Ivy in the article aaaaand it’s the first gif aaaaand Taki is there too.
The color is called “Jimny Cricket Green”.