

Is this named after the town in Colorado?

I bet he was tired afterwards.

Less drab more crazy.

Déjà vu...

That’s not surprising considering we’re all born to be wild.

That’s definitely an engine. I’ve seen a few in my day.

I’d take Detective Pikachu any day over other employed Pikachus out there, like Proctologist Pikachu...


Well it’s a good thing it had the extra cooling of being a Tundra.

Toy Story 4 is getting weird...

The eyes have actually been toned down since the first a lot.

Sacré bleu...

I feel kind of bad for all those involved with this project because I know this will not be seen by as many people as it deserves.

Just remember that if you’re Pro gets too hot, just douse it with Gatorade.

How long before there’s a piece written out there in the wild that somehow manages to blame them for putting themselves into a situation like this twice?

They like big cars and they cannot lie.

And then he rolled it into the pond.

I can see it now...