
The Genesis’ greatest barrier is that people will associate it with a Hyundai.

So now you can choose between a Beefy Crunch Burrito and a Beefy Fritos Burrito...

Tesla musk be asking itself how it’s out-trumping Trump.

Agreed. Although I gotta say, “Martha” was a hilarious bit of comedy.

I sincerely hope they lean into a bit of humor otherwise this is going to be dreadful. Like they didn’t learn anything from their movies...

It’s the simple fact that it came after 7. If this had been the seventh entry it’d be a different story.

This is awesome and the people complaining did not grow up with the NES.

Ports on ports on ports.

I guess we can’t have two Odysseys on the Switch...


Can’t see shit Captain.

Seems like there will be plenty of clouds on the horizon but no squalls.

I...can’t even.


I’m sorry Stephen but we’re going to have to ask you to step down. Peter Parker will be taking your place.

*clutches senecio rowleyanus*

You spelled ‘Kryptonian’ wrong. 

Superman is Kryptonian.

Too rich for my blood.

Say what you will about the movies, Cavill was a good Superman given what he had to work with.