Where’s the pivot to video?
I’m not sure if you’re married, but if you are then, your spouse is some sort of Jeep Angel.
All I know is that Clint Eastwood piloted one.
Here comes the wave of everyone scouring all gaming websites for more of this. This cannot be an isolated incident, he was just very stupid about the amount of plagiarism.
Who cares?
Geely Tuscapevoque.
No wonder making video games is expensive.
In fairness, degrees mean nothing.
P.S. Calibration will drive you insane. I recalibrate every few months even though our living room doesn’t change. It’s a drug.
Pretty sure this is animal abuse.
He’s dead.
He wore a gold bracelet on NVC, that was the moment I knew he couldn’t be trusted.
A “Pegaso” can be construed as “Hit” or “Hitting” in Spanish, so this is clearly a radio station: HITZ 102.
I’m sorry Kotaku is not on the list of sites who get things early, but you’ll see your mistakes eventually.
Damn it Filip.
But it looked bland. That’s the problem, if you want it to sell don’t make it look like a sleeper.