Why so scary Gundam?
Why so scary Gundam?
What if you don’t use it? Does it become a collector’s item then?
So the movie should have been called Christopher Eeyore?
Some would say it was bath time, blood bath time.
She’s smugglin something...
WOO! Man, does anyone else just want to go for a run or write a screenplay?! AHAHAHA WOO!
You know that’s Batman...who comes in and kills Superman after this scene and takes the gauntlet for himself.
Spoiler Alert for the end of Avengers 4:
How to grab low hanging fruit:
It’s clever marketing?
The extra smiles per mile are free though.
I wonder if one season will be enough for a character arc.
It is bizarre, but it would also be bizarre if they auctioned everything that was smuggled in.
Damn it, that sent actual chills/feels throughout my body. So thanks and fuck you.
Don’t you mean “pirates ARRREN’T fuckin subtle scallywag”?
Yeah, but can they be slammed?
Sounds like a party.