
Agreed. And many couples make that clear up front.

I’m going to strongly disagree with Drew on the wedding gift. If you’re in the wedding and you have to travel, then your presence (and the grand you sunk into everything) is your gift to the couple. Anyone who expects a gift after asking you to spend that much money to be a member of their wedding is an asshole and

Are we sure that’s not just a member of the Gase clan?

He just wanted players out there who could help his daughter’s eyes. 

It has nothing to do with paying college athletes.

I feel like so much of this could be solved if these people got the shit beat out of them just once in their younger years. Seriously. I really do. 

Any reason you photoshopped in a different picture of Darnold’s face on top of this one?

I’d like to say it’s a lock, but there’s a lot of haughty dip-shittery that can happen between now and publication time.

It’s insane to me that in the year of our Lord 2019 we’re still having “Cam Newton is selfish” conversations. The guy has had no offensive line, no noteworthy receivers, and a platoon of overrated running backs basically ever since he came in the league, and has muscled them to numerous playoff berths and a Super Bowl.

Most coaches don’t coach to win.

I’m sorry, do you know Kap personally? Are you his agent or a close family member or loved one?

I feel like we reached that two years ago. 

I can guarantee you he thinks he brought out the best in Sean Taylor.

I read this, and a thought occurred to me:

The year that the Lions went 0-16, Jason Hanson went 8 for 8 on field goal attempts *over* 50 yards and made 46 out of 48 kicks overall on the season.  He had one of the greatest kicking seasons in the history of the NFL on the worst team in the history of the NFL.  LOLions.

You could argue for Jason Hanson of the Lions, but the fact he’s a Lion would probably stop that cold.  He’s 4th on the list all time, but he’s never been on a playoff team.

Everyone knows about the 1972 Dolphins ex-players celebrating the demise of the last undefeated team every year. Far fewer have heard about the Suicide Pact they made if the Dolphins were to ever finish a season 0-16. Let’s make this happen people.

Great, now I have to jerk off.

These guys fight with the skill and grace of three sleepy manatee trying to fuck a beach ball.