This. Their rhetoric has been babies are literally murdered and sold for parts by planned parenthood. They claim it as fact and have doctored and manipulated footage to try and convince people of it.
This. Their rhetoric has been babies are literally murdered and sold for parts by planned parenthood. They claim it as fact and have doctored and manipulated footage to try and convince people of it.
“Hey, stop stealing my ideas.” - Adam Sandler
Ah yes, the traditional Japanese name “Huki Muki.”
He looks like he smells like cigarettes and old spice.
And he calls himself
I really don’t want to take away from the message of this story, but is anyone else bothered by the line:
The moment I first read that the couple had a 6-month-old, I was shocked – why would they go on a de facto suicide mission when they have a baby? And if they were planning something for so long, why did they have a baby?!
It’s almost like they’re not mutually exclusive!
My mom always complains about “poor people with smart phones” but like - she is on a family plan with my brother and both of my sisters. She makes two of them (the youngest is still in college) pay their portion every month, but I know that if any of them were in a situation where they had to choose between food or…
It’s true, I’ll freely admit that. I coasted through two years of art school on my parent’s dime. I bought a house at 22, and part of my closing costs were paid for by my parents. I quit a horrible fucking job at 26 and was able to cash out a CD that had been taken out for me by my grandmother to get through the…
Because the Planned Parenthood staff are all accounted for, I assumed the two dead victims were patients. I wondered if they weren’t pregnant women and they aren’t keeping their names quiet to protect the families from getting questions like “were they going to the clinic to abort and sell parts?”
Somebody is actually posting about clients and employees of Planned Parenthood being murderers two days after this tragedy? Jesus Christ
I think we should take him literally:
There very well be mental illness at play here. But mental illness doesn’t equal violence. Plus, as Obama noted a few years ago, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on mental illness. We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that…
Shorter: seriously, a dude shoots up a planned parenthood, what do you think his deal was? Immigration reform?
And no wonder, with a face like that. She IS adorable. She looks like some kind of woodland creature you could hold in your hand and pet.
It’s the smile of a girl who is high off her mind....reality will come crashing in soon enough.
I think a lot of problems your mother faced were products of the time, plus it seems hers was a more cloistered order.
I was raised Catholic and spent several years being taught by nuns in Catholic school. While most of them were unobjectionable, there were always a few who were evil scions of Hell. I’m sure they went into teaching purely to give maximum expression to their innate sadism.