Not sure the point of hating on this trip.. Please explain young person who knows everything about everything
Not sure the point of hating on this trip.. Please explain young person who knows everything about everything
How would you feel?
Um. There are no comparisons in grief, and this woman’s probably at the end of her rope. But if you think that excuses this behavior I’d like to introduce you to Mike Brown’s mother. And Tamir Rice’s mother. And etc.
Her kid wasn’t killed by the cops while he fed the homeless,so maybe, if you want to avoid journalists of any race, don’t raise your brat to go out of his way to be shot by being an entitled jerk but I guess the apple didn’t fall far from that tree.
Sympathizing with a racist isn’t a good look, girl. What did Emmy Victor do to deserve to be called a dehumanizing slur? Why do you hate a woman who was harassed and assaulted while doing her job?
She was reporting on a threat to the community that had to be taken out after he pointed a gun at cops.
It’s amazing how he has become ‘her child’ on these comments.
Did I miss when they added “shouting racist bullshit and assaulting someone” to the stages of grief?
Did you see the report Victor ended up filming? If not, you’ve completely made up a story-line in your head about the reporters in order to justify what this woman did. You’ve filled in the excuse blanks for why her racism is OK and come to the conclusion that you hate the reporter based on ... nothing. That’s…
What gives you the idea that they were “talking shit” on her son? They were reporting the story.
You are condoning racism if you are explaining it away with grief.
Black people’s children die by cop almost every other day. Do you hate the reporters that do stories on them?
Can you explain why you’re characterizing the coverage as “casual,” because I didn’t see the report Victor ultimately filed. Do the press ever respect black families when their children are killed by the police?
You completely hated the person being racially abused and assaulted while doing her job?
Plus it’s possible that we could just nip this whole situation in the bud with “don’t do meth.”
I can think of any number of stories where men who try to stop another man from committing a serious crime end up in a body bag.
If I have learned anything from the many (now pretty much useless) psych classes I have taken in college, it is that it is the norm not to help strangers and never has been. And that is even more common when it appears that the danger is between two people whose relationship in intimate in some way, whether that is…
Forget Oyster Champ. These two are bae.
“Some people are like, I want to go to Haiti, and I want to go to Thailand, and I want to get orphans, and I want to get prostitutes off the street. I realized that my heart was to help beautiful people. This is my mission.”
I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.