
I remember that post, I was wondering why my post explaining why people are mad @ how insensitive he was had so many new likes. Seems like bigots are sharing it then.
It’s a white middle aged white man living in NY who said he thought people bring discrimination on themselves. I said that negates the very real

I grew up in a mostly catholic country, just across the Andes from where the pope came from. I think he's an ass (I had heard of him before he came pope, when he declared a "war of god" against the LGBT community in Argentina) and this is a change for the worse in the church, because it's the same old shit with some

OMG I need that bag.

Butthoven! I can't!

Hope he presses charges. This is awful

He didn't brush his teeth and his hands always smelled like dirty balls. Just no.

Good point, but please, don't talk about Latin America as a country. You just feed other people's ignorance when you do that... And by ignorance I mean my mother-in-law thought Latin America was a country and its president was "Chavez" before meeting me. Oh, she also thought I was a hooker from a drug cartel and

Models are very, very insecure. Try to make a living by using your body and you'll be obsessed over it in no time. Been there, done that.

Photoshoots were fun and I met some good friends doing test shoots. Runway shows were stressing and there were some really bitchy people working in that industry, but the pay was generally worth a few days of suffering.
About my body, I felt and still feel good about it on a personal level. However, I was more

Actually, at least in my country (where standards are less strict than in the "big fashion capitals") if you're not a size 4 you just can't go on the runway. The logic behind that is that it's the size of pretty much all the clothes they make for the runway (biggest I've seen is a size 6). If you're thinner then they

I'm a size 6-8 and 5'11''. I used to model when I was a size 2-4, 15 kilos ago. My body currently looks a lot like hers, except more pear shaped.
I know for a fact that there's no way I could model now, since the market here in my country is still too small and using "plus sizes" just doesn't cross anyone's minds. If

This should've been filed under "SQUEE" <3

I just told my (heterosexual) boyfriend to imagine what he'd feel like if taller, stronger men said that kind of shit to him 5 times a day every day since he was 13. I tried the "really stinky old women" analogy first, but that didn't quite take into account the power dynamic.

I'm Chilean and it's all over the media here.

Did you even read what pilight said?

In Spanish it's not a "bad word", because the equivalent of "oriental" is "occidental", which is the Spanish word for "western". Oriental simply means eastern. I had no idea it was somehow bad to say that in English.

I'm a latina with a light tan. My skin is a slightly yellowish white but I burn very easily, so half of my arms are a completely different colour. I'd gladly use whitening cream, not because I want to be white but because I'd rather have an even skin colour (not lighter than my natural tone). Whitening cream isn't

Tell him you'll leave a used tampon tied to his toothbrush every day until he cleans the fucking bathroom.

You have no heart.