
“Compassionate conservative”

“Once he lost weight, it seemed as though in a short time he had hyper-sexuality,” Bradford said. “There are brain disorders that can be associated with sexual drive.”

In trial, Fogle reportedly sobbed as he recounted how he’d hurt his family and his wife, who would be a single mother should he go to prison.

“a herpe”

“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”

Jezebel Commenter On Jenny McCarthy Having A Radio Show: ‘Ick!’

To be fair to Amy Schumer, I would have probably been pissed too. I had this one security guard at my office in NYC who would NEVER let me in the building without my ID even though he saw me every single day. If I forgot it at home, or left it upstairs, he would look me up in the system, call up to the office, confirm

My first thought on seeing the photo: wow, her hair is long!

Maybe the people who work there aren’t terrible to you personally but this is terrible behavior.

and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

Lorena Bobbitt helped get the marital exemption removed from NC rape laws. True Story: The morning this story hit the newspapers across the country (and it was front page, above the fold of EVERY newspaper in the country), the NC legislature was due to vote on removing the marital exemption from our rape laws. (Back

Can we go one FUCKING day around here without calling a woman who was abused to the point of chopping someones penis off OLD? FUCK. No one cares about your boner.

LOLOLOLOLOL Yeah, if a *naturopath* told you, it’s likely wrong.


Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

Rrright, because posters here are in the “killing your children is ok” camp.

I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.

That’s the part that got me and I couldn’t write any more about it. Like how could someone defend this dude when he didn’t just rape a child but then brought his adult son into it?

“Paden’s adult son, Anthony, has also been charged with sodomizing the victim. His case is currently pending.”

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,