It’s definitely been reposted.
It’s definitely been reposted.
I mentioned that he hoped it might have been a mistake and reposted it (the cover photo is a screenshot of him saying just that), but the initial removal is still a big deal.
That post that you’ve marked with a circle and exclamation point is the re-post, not the original. If you look at the edit history (click on there word “edited” where you’ve circled) you’ll see HoNY make reference to the repost. The original was deleted, which is what this article is about.
So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?
Feels like a poor answer to be honest. I have bipolar and am not violent but some untreated bipolar people are. It’s not excusing him to point out society doesn’t give a fuck about MH unless it can be used to as a talking point. If you ‘shrink the excuse’ is that the best way to stop these acts of violence and…
“This will make ISIS really love us now!”
You would think that any rational person would question a strong belief of theirs if it so happened to align perfectly with ISIS.
When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the fact that the more progressive we get, the more and more these people sound like absolute LOONEY TOONS.
I’m probably in the minority, but that photo of Kelly Osbourne made me laugh. It is literally what Rachel Whats Her Name looks like to me. So ridiculous.
Fuck you! I am so sick and fucking tired of assholes like you. Why don’t you come out your cowardly ass face and say what you mean. You’re a racist asshole who doesn’t see Black people as people and as such don’t care of the police act the fucking fool and brutalize them for no fucking reason. They wanted fucking…
The issue is the video wouldn’t exist. No one would have called the police if a white kid didn’t have a bathing suit. That is the point you’re missing here.
Yup, fuck him and the mayor saying “they showed restraint.” What an underhanded, pussified way of applauding the police’s racist, violent tactics.
“It’s just business.”
Seriously. If you’re going to lead a double life, make sure you get along with your family.
The more this story unfolds, the more my head tilts like a dog who has heard something curious but incomprehensible.
It’s all kind of ironic, right?
WHAT? No. That is NOT reasonable. Do NOT have kids.
In what world is that reasonable? It is an act intended to humiliate someone. No one should intentionally humiliate their children. If you think this is reasonable discipline, I hope you aren’t responsible for any children.