
I used to love h&m for work staples but they don’t really carry that kind of thing anymore. I mean they’ll have a few dresses or blazers here and there but I can find better quality and similar pricing at department stores. Plus their sizing is so wonky ordering online is such a gamble. Stick to shitty crop tops and



Yeah, Dany is definitely marked for death. She’ll have Jon’s baby and die in a bed of blood, just like Jon’s mom. IT WILL BE TRAGICALLY POETIC.

She’s not be literal. Drogo isn’t going to return. Drogo “returning”is Dany joining him in death. All the other things have come true. Once she has a living child she’ll die and return to Drogo.

Lies. Sam is the bestest of all the Night’s Watch. That sexy fatty is going to save them all.

My brother looks A LOT like Kit Harrington, so pretty much every Jon Snow scene (I’m looking pensive or tortured but I’m also supposed to look sexy!) seriously creeps me out.

No, no, no. He tried to refocus the Night’s Watch on its original mission- being the vanguard between humanity and the darkness. Hell, that’s why he sent Sam away.

The Night’s Watch was ruined because it’s an idiotic concept. And any place is better if Sam isn’t there.

and you’re short.

No one is more boring than Dany.

But the Lord smote you, hussy! Repent, ye Jezebel!

OR he’s actually attracted to men so this rule does nothing but enable him. What a twist!

I wish restaurants were forced to put the scoville unit for each of their foods that are considered spicy - like calories in NY. I’m done with this bullshit of choosing ‘3 peppers’ spicy at an Indian place and only getting a flaccid little tickle on my tongue, only to do the same at the Thai place down the street and

I do it all the goddamned time. I have many more female friends then male friends and I’m about the safest guy on the planet to be alone with. My wife has no problem with it because she knows with complete security that I only have eyes for her, my gorgeous, green eyed, hot blooded goddess of a wife.

Don’t you love it when a restaurant says their food is spicy and mean it? I always feel like I’ve struck gold when that happens.

I think the fact that none of these conservative male fuckwits have any women they think of as just friends speaks VOLUMES for their disdain for women as people. Because obviously for them, if a woman isn’t for fucking or marrying or knocking up, there’s just no reason to interact with her or care about her at all is

Jesus Christ republicans are obsessed with sex. Do they really think just because a penis and a vagina are in close proximity to each other that sex is bound to occur? Just what goes on in their minds? I’d really like to know. No wait, maybe I don’t. 

This annoys me to no fucking end. Women already get left out of a ton of the socialkind of gatherings that really do help your career (Oh, all the boyswent to the bar with the boss after work? Nice.), and in jobs like politics (where you are on the road, or working late, or out at meetings a lot) that can

I know. We lived wrong!!