
I have learned that domestic bliss in my home insofar as DIY projects go, depends on either my doing it myself (because I will actually research it online, go out and buy the appropriate tools, and obsessively make sure it’s done right) or talking the spouse into hiring a contractor. Because god love him, he thinks

Exact quote from my now-ex (unrelatedly) wife when we finally finished after spending an entire weekend installing French doors: “I don’t know if I want to relax on the couch with you tonight with a glass of wine and a movie, or murder you in your sleep.”

This is...confusing. I’m really not sure what the relatively well known breeding and feeding habits of penguins has to do with human relationships, and certainly the severe impact of climate change and the evolutionary development of female penguins giving birth then leaving to feed while the male penguin incubates

Think of ways to make a buck off it.

And by your logic, no one should have to face the environmental stress they cause because someone else is doing something much worse! Okay.

Unpopular opinion: All the Chris’ are mind numbingly vanilla and I wouldn’t go out of my way to even get out the blanket.

Can you BELIEVE all of those lousy gentrifiers in Vail? How dare they!

Thank you. I found this article totally stupid.

Next week we have a 25,000 word article on “The Gentrification of the Lake George Equestrian Club” to look forward to.

I stopped reading at “At the same time that Santa Fe and Taos undergo a massive and perhaps irreversible gentrification process.” FFS, Taos is a goddamned ski resort and has been an artist colony since 1899. Georgia O’Keeffe moved to Santa Fe in 1984. Both these places were gentrified before this person was even born.

If anyone ever microwaves pizza from leftovers to frozen to eat they are evil and wrong. Chinese is generally fine though.

Apparently so. I haven’t had a microwave in years (hippie) and I haven’t eaten m&m’s in several decades, but I kinda like the idea especially with peanut m&m’s.

Not to be confused with

At first, I was really mad when they put a brand-new Wawa at the end of my street (literally 392 feet away) but it turns out that they put a BRAND-NEW WAWA AT THE END OF MY STREET!!!



It did take place in a town that knows how to keep its secrets...

I’m forever grey so idk if anyone will see this but I could use some advice. I’m 21 and I’ve never been kissed. I don’t get crushes often and I’m not the prettiest flower in the garden and super shy/awkward so its just never happened for me. It never used to bother me but since I am graduating in spring I am starting

Question for the childfree folks:

And the hits keep coming!