
My January 20th has just been booked by plans of crashing an after-prom party.

Man, people are going to be knocking down their door trying to book them now...! Pretty canny of that prom organizer to get in there early (if indeed the booking is real ^^)

I love that they are called The B Street Band, and I hope that their singer’s name is Spruce Bringsteen.

lol @ Jon Bovi

Springsteen isn’t just a “80's rock star.” That’s like calling The Beatles “some boy band.”

Meanwhile, the members of Jon Bovi wait patiently by the phone...

They play NJ a lot. A state where Trump is not very popular, they made a (smart) business decision.

Stories like this are why 40-60% of my generation spent most of their teen years convinced they were seperated from their real parents at birth.

I was born in the late 80s when stories like these were hitting the news hard (kidnapped babies, switched at birth, etc). At the hospital my parents didn’t let me out of their sight, haha.

Jagged little pill was my first CD. I believe I was 13.

Taking Back Sunday “Tell All Your Friends”

All of you are older than I believed.

I don’t know anything about the dude you’re talking about, but every vegan on earth has heard the “LOL oral sex isn’t vegan!” taunt a million times before. For those of us who are women, we generally get an even more annoying variation along the lines of “Damn, you’re vegan? I was sure I was going to get you to do

“The difference between being ‘broke’ and being ‘poor’” is something I’ve seen discussed here a lot. Strayed was self-aware enough to see she had options and her condition was likely temporary. Doesn’t mean she’s not entitled to the government safety net, but there are differences.

I found myself still having stress while I was debt free (what a glorious three months!) due to wanting to stay that way. I felt guilty over every purchase I made. “I should be saving this!”

Strayed says the only difference between who she was then and now is how she is able to buy things for herself without stress, which is actually a pretty huge difference if you’ve ever experienced that transition

I have never noticed that and will now have to keep an eye out for it. Not that I have false eyelash skills either.

Aw. How sad for her. She’s an educated white lady from a privilaged and liberal family which means she’s always had access to sex ed and birth control.

Not defending the abuse but Catholic Charities is second only to the states at providing social services to the needy. Foster care, mental health, special needs education, adoption services, etc.

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.