
I have a sister with BPD...originally diagnosed as bipolar disorder when she was a teenager and amended when she hit her 20s. It was hell, and still is due to her unwillingness to get help and the fact that there are now children in the equation. While I have intrinsic mental health issues of my own (real live OCD),


My point is they aren’t rent-a-cops. And that we should be able to expect a higher level of training since they get federal benefits etc.

The TSA officers should honestly be jailed for battery. I would press fucking charges, along with suing the various agencies.

I have seen people working for TSA at my local airport who had applied with my employer and been rejected.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

It was ALWAYS security theatre.

It’s basically security theater atthis point.

Or they can stop hiring people who can’t get jobs as greeters at Walmart.

Sari Koshetz of TSA released a statement alluding to the incident: “Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.”

Eat, Prey, Kill


Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

How...short are your shorts or how long is your kitty hair if waxing makes a difference. With shorts??? Girl, what are you wearing??? Lol

I followed the link to the actual study and am comforted to learn that this study also shows that pube removal is White Nonsense. Specifically, 18-24 year old white nonsense.

lol I can barely be bothered to exfoliate my face and you’re telling me I have to exfoliate my mons pubis? HARD PASS.

just here for the party comments

Jesus christ, I wish we would stop even talking about this. I trim but don’t wax, and happily so—fuck putting razors down there or dealing with ingrown hairs—but every single article or study on the subject always makes me feel so insecure, like I’m a freaking outlier (seems like I am, though) for having hair on my

My cousin got a wicked infection from using bad wax. It was a topic of conversation about how she had to wear cotton underwear until it cleared up. I didn’t want to know that much about my cousin’s pubies.

Yes, 40% of women find it crucial to tidy up the vag before gyno appointments.