
My wife is Muslim, and I want her to be free to move the country, and to leave and re-enter. Trump threatens both of those freedoms. I have a lot of less personal reasons for wanting him not to be President, but that’s definitely one of them.

oh look, a moron.

Even Sanders said he is voting for Clinton.

I’m not sure why you are acting like we haven’t been on the slow move left since Obama was elected. I don’t know where you live but I live in a state the usually only goes blue during presidential election years. This means any progressive leftward movement is met by a heavy backlash from the more consistently voting

A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...

As a republican who is a Never Trump, I was thinking about voting for Johnson but not any more. Hilary has my vote on lock now.

Any person foolish enough to throw away their vote in such a way and be potentially complicit in the election of a crypto-fascist was never a real progressive. Just an angry and stubborn person looking for easy solutions to difficult questions. I’ve been a Bernie supporter since he announced, but you can bet your ass

How are you ever going to expect real change to happen if you always keep voting for the lesser of two evils though? It comes to making a short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. If more people who wanted to vote their conscience instead of strategic voting did just that, things would actually start to change. I’m

Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.

Not a chance for me; I’m okay with Clinton, she’s infinitely preferable to Trump, and I realize that neither Stein nor Johnson have a chance of winning (and I don’t know enough about Johnson to know if I find him preferable to Clinton). However, I do the the sense that some of Sanders’ supporters are refusing to vote


Ha! It may dissolve a little of his orange spray tan but I’m pretty sure he thrives in acidic environments.

Donald Trump? vinegar?

flat hair strands? apple cider vinegar rinse. hard water stains on your dishwasher / dishes? vinegar. upset tummy / on an antibiotic? shot of apple cider vinegar. boyfriend acting up? vinegar.

vinegar, people.

Hey Bobby-

I wish there were better employment laws to protect contractors. I am a freelance writer. I usually get paid reasonably well — between 30 cents and $1 per word. But I wrote for one company, a major lifestyle blog, that paid us $14 per post, which always worked out to well below minimum wage. Additionally, they owned

Hasn’t oil pulling been around forever? Why does it need Instagram and Scott Disick?

Is Boo-Tea made from powdered ghosts?

You guys, this dude’s profession is listed as “Erectile Dysfunction Expert.” Just so you know.

The Y is a very fancy place if you’re in certain cities.