
I was wondering what app she was using to distort her face like that.

I’m in my early 20s and my friends always try to get me to go out to this EDM festivals and I don’t understand why they keep asking me. I’m a person who wants to end the day with a glass of red wine snuggled up to my dog binge watching Netflix. I would go insane if I had to be around people non stop for that long

That really blows.

Damn, I can’t believe she almost got away with a 60 pound carry-on...

No, it wasn’t. It was with Sam Brower, though. Guy is a bad-ass!

the FLDS are one of my favorite subjects. i love learning about isolated communities. there are so many good memoirs written by men and women that have left the FLDS

The sheer amount of successful scams run by Mormons, targeting other Mormons, is one of those fascinating trivia facts I would have never guessed before getting into studying Mormon culture.

According to “Under the Banner of Heaven,” the practice is known as “bleeding the beast.” Welfare fraud is seen as righteous, since it’s been done to a “sinful” government. And cause it’s committed by white folks. Seriously, the FLDS church commits more fraud than every single black mother in the US, put together.

Bonus points for ignoring the state lines that divide those towns, that has to add all kinds of charges, right? Particularly with the trafficking of minors?

FLDS types are notorious for abusing welfare... since only the first marriage is legally recognized subsequent wives can claim to be unemployed single mothers with however many dozens of kids. and it doesn’t bother them morally because they see the US as an evil “Babylon” that god is going to strike down anyway...

I was going to say, the mainstream LDS church does this to a lesser extent. There are neighborhoods where the real estate agents won’t show houses to non-Mormons. It’s well known that certain physician practices will only hire Mormons, and that’s just examples I’ve heard about first hand.

Well, ain’t the Trump type crowd gonna flip their shit when they hear about this food stamp fraud!!!! Oh wait, it was committed by a bunch of white Christians... Nevermind then, carry on.

Everyone should read Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. It’s all about the founding of Mormonism and talks specifically about the Fundamentalist Church and how it got to be the way it is. Very very interesting. I mean, Utah was basically founded because the Mormons wanted to start their own government. Like

A fair amount of these “non believers” are people (mostly young men) who were kicked out of the church so as not to get in the way of the older gentlemen’s exploits. Truly a monster, Warren Jeffs.

Say cheese and die.

Ah man this Waffle House trash talk has my jimmies rustled. I don’t like the cut of your jib...while I don’t live near one I’ve been to Waffle House plenty of times, and always make a point to go to one when I’m in a friendly region. If Trump had a Waffle House-centric platform, I’d vote for him.

I graduated in the midst of the recession too. After a few months of being an under-paid, over-worked nanny I put on my growed-up pants to find a “real” job. The only company willing to hire me was Liberty Income Tax.

Actually, no. Teachers should make a good bit more than a living wage because their jobs require a college degree. The worst part about the whole ‘liberal arts degree? no wonder your broke” bullshit is that it devalues the concept of a college education justifying lower wages in fields that require higher education.

Educators should make more, as should people in retail. They are both necessary.

Like Trump “University?”