
Oh my god I know. When I worked for a cosmetics company This Macy’s was in my district and I had to visit every once in a while. It’s been a few years, but jesus. Have they never heard of paint and brooms? The place was filthy. I’ve never wanted to return to shop.

Plus, her clothing is so effing generic. There is nothing signature about her line; it could be made by any brand and no one care. It’s the ubiquitous read to wear for bank tellers.

I’m a big thrifter and I’ve been seeing sooo much Ivanka Trump in my thrift stores lately. Clearly, no one is buying her uninspired threads even at the thrift store.

More like dozens a year. In the first month of 2017, 4 leaks and one explosion. ‘Merica.

I know! I have all this outrage to spread around, but fuck. Where do we even begin? Is this a tactic?

If it’s in a jar, I would say go for a pump next time (preferably one in a dark packaging if the have it), as retinoids can loose stability when exposed to light. My derm has told me that eventually I will have to go to a higher %, but I haven’t run into that yet. It’s kind of shocking that all of these cosmetic

I could go into a lot of detail, but yeah. 99% of buzzword ingredients listed on fancy and not so fancy moisturizers can’t do squat. Moisturizers don’t absorb into your skin—they coat it and protect moisture loss. Don’t get me started on Vitamin C. Roc has some retinoids, correct? Literally the only useful vitamin

Seriously. It looks like it hurts her to fake smile.

I just recommended MUAC! Didn’t scroll far enough to see your post. Which peels are you using?

I’m dealing with the same thing :(, but I’m on Retin A. Have you talked to your derm about micro-needling (not the at home rollers!)? It’s very expensive where I live, but I’ve heard its cheaper in different parts of the country. I’ve read a lot of medical studies about acne scarring, and micro-needling with

I worked in cosmetics for many years, and the consensus on Philosophy was great marketing, not great products. I’ve tried their stuff, meh. Now that I am out of that world and don’t get everything for free, there is no way I’m going to spend $60 on a moisturizer. After a year or so of trial and error, CeraVe is my

I’m actually surprised no one has said this yet, but Loreal’s Voluminous mascara in Carbon Black. It’s a thousand times better than any high-end mascara and I’ve been using it for years. Once you go Carbon Black, you never go back.

MY GOD, NO. This looks so painful, and…. medieval torture-y. And how in the hell is taping your nipple to fold over your breast more flattering than sagging.

Because I live in NJ, I had to look them up. They are now playing an After-prom party on the 20th. Or was this whole thing just a double booking incident?

JBJ played (with Bruce) at the Hillary rally in Philly on election eve. Obviously, the low point of the evening, but he won’t stoop that low. Bon Jovi cover bands on the other hand...

Rock star? No. LEGEND.

Damn right.

I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, so I have zero objections to slapping a bracelet on your kid that would help you find them if they went missing. I was a little freaked out about the idea of microchips, though. I guess we all technically have microchips tracking us and storing our data—we just call them

I just can’t imagine how you could do this to parents of this girl. Stealing a newborn from a mother is so deplorable.

... I don’t have kids and not many of my friends do, so feel free to call me an idiot, but your baby has a microchip? Is this a thing?