
I had a children’s book about a Princess who was stolen as a baby from her castle by normal people who raised her in a normal, suburban house. My nickname was “Princess Amy,” so naturally I assumed this was simply what happened to me. The parents also joked they got me from gypsies... so...

My 14 year old self would call you a poser behind your back but secretly wish I had your lipgloss and sparkly nail polish.

Me too! I think I was 11 or 12 though, definitely in 6th or 7th grade. My first cassette tape was Pearl Jam Vs, purchased at Strawberries.

It appears Anna and I should be best friends. If she included Hot Water Music’s No Division we’d be soul mates.

I am a writer also and I live well below the poverty line. I also could get food stamps and help paying my heating bills, but I choose not to so I relate. I am a pretty, well-spoken young woman with degrees. I may not have grown up with money, but I am so abundantly privileged. I could absolutely get a job that would

I worry that I will never stop stressing over money. I am still very poor (I am a writer, blah) and I live below the poverty line and I can’t even go to the grocery store without having a panic attack. There are so many things I want and I always think, “one day,” but I worry the anxiety I experience every time I

Oh my god, that’s it! I couldn’t figure out why my first reaction to the photo was “he looks like a serial killer.”

Yeah, I’ve been a vegetarian for over 15 years and I’ve never criticized anyone for their choice for diet, yet I’ve dealt with a fair range of criticism from passive aggressive remarks to openly rude. One year I brought a Tofurky to a huge Thanksgiving party and everyone felt completely fine shitting on it in front of

I read the last sentence as “different tokes.” And one of my most successful friends smokes more weed in a week than I have in my life and is doing just fine, so it really is different tokes for different folks :)

I actually was behind a guy who realized last moment while he was emptying his pockets that he had a pocket knife. He was totally cool about it, just wrapped it in is hat and sent it down the conveyer. The agent did catch it (statistically shocking, I know!) and just casually asked him what he wanted to with it like

Agreed. That sounds like a lot of work and, well I can just not do all of that.

Yup. I was scolded at my first ob gyn appointment for bringing a razor anywhere near there, so I did the same.
Now... whatevs.

Napalm. I heard good things about Agent Orange too, but Monsanto makes it which means GMO’s. No thanks.

Yeah, I don’t know. I feel like something might be amiss with this study. I believe that 84% do “some grooming,” but I call bullshit on 62% removing everything. If women have pube shame before an ob gyn visit, I’m assuming they might not be being truthful to the stranger asking them the questions. Especially since it

I think a lot of the people who are talking about throwing away their vote were either too young or not involved in politics enough to remember the 2000 election. I don’t know what it is about Americans, but we have a surprisingly short term memory when it comes to our own history.

It’s called the spoiler effect. I’m not sure if your old enough to have witnessed this, but it’s probably why we ended up with Bush as our president for 8 years. I’m not trying to be patronizing here; I really do admire your idealism, but please have some sense of history.

The woman in front of me in my spin class wore one of these a few weeks ago. No surprise, it was a disaster. She couldn’t bend over the handlebars or do anything other intervals that weren’t sitting straight up. She was struggling so bad after 20 minutes that she spent the last 30 just peddling slowly, completely

ONE JOB. You have one very simple job to get thousands of dollars. As a freelancer I work tirelessly to turn over completely error-free projects and at the end of the day if I calculate my hours I’m lucky if I pull in minimum wage. This shouldn’t make me mad, but damn does celebrity infuriate me.

Ha! It may dissolve a little of his orange spray tan but I’m pretty sure he thrives in acidic environments.

Yesssss. My mom got sick and had bladder control issues and I tried all the fancy commercial products. If anyone else has cared for an aging parent, you know getting pee smells out of clothes is pretty much impossible. Then an internet angel suggested vinegar and a little borax and magic! No more pee smell plus it’s