
Should have gone with “Mercury is in retrograde.” Much more succinct and an equivalent amount of bullshit. My landlord is a self-proclaimed shaman and my doorknob broke last week. He said mercury is in retrograde so everything is out of alignment (I surmised from a very long sermon on pseudo-astronomy). He has yet to

I love her. I want to be her friend and student of all things renovation.

Ick. I remember them mentioning bunk beds on Wait Wait don’t Tell Me a few weeks ago but I just assumed it was another attempt at a joke. Ick ick ick. Plus they aren’t they coming out with a country album?

Yasss. Chip Gaines is the most annoying person on the planet. It’s not cute, it’s obnoxious. And I can’t watch Fixer Upper anymore. Every episode Joanna finds clapboard and freaks out, Chip messes something up that could cost them thousands but doesn’t, then Joanna decorates the house EXACTLY LIKE THE LAST 10 HOUSES.

Lil Kim’s face has been distorted for a while now.

While quickly scrolling on my phone I thought that image was a baby snub nose monkey latched to a fan. Now nothing Beyonce has coming is impressive to me unless it involves Bey and a baby snub nose.

I am late 20's but feel like a grandma on my porch shaking my fist at the youths for their EDM. I just DO NOT GET IT. It’s only a half-decade difference in age, so what is this? What am I missing? Last year I worked with a recent college grad who was a miserable, sardonic, hilarious misanthrope so I thought perfect!

Now playing

“Because hair represents image, style and character.”

I’m with you. I just find the whole thing so interesting and sad; especially since all of this has been going on for decades with local, state, and federal agencies full knowledge of the abuses and horrors that go one within these communities.

Oh, thank you! For a while I was a little worried I was a total weirdo for being obsessed with Mormon culture as a non-mormon from the east coast. Everything about it fascinates me. I’ve been to the temple grounds at least 3x’s.

Was it “Sons of Perdition?” That documentary was so heartbreaking. I always wonder what happened to those boys.

Sadly, it’s far worse than trafficking minors across border cities in Utah and Arizona. Girls are also sent to “sister” cities in Texas, Colorado, South Dakota, Canada and Mexico as well. This is a sickening practice that has gone on with everyone knowing for years and I’m just happy they are finally doing something.

And I’m actually surprised he doesn’t have a position on Waffle House.

Aw, I never meant to rustle your jimmies. It’s only a theory; I have not gathered enough data, but I do sincerely think it’s more of a novelty thing to people who live outside the Waffle House belt. Just never, EVER order the grits. I’m pretty sure it’s just microwaved Elmer’s glue.

I think about this all the time. Than I remember the utter misery that is retail and remember why I got my degree in the first place. Whenever you get down on yourself for your finances, try and focus in on that one horrible, terrible, evil costumer that treated you like dirt and there was literally nothing you could

I have a theory about people who vehemently praise Waffle House: there are three types- a) does not live anywhere near a Waffle House and therefor lacks access and experience inside a Waffle House b) lived near Waffle House but moved away sometime before college c) guys in their mid-30's who only bring it up to tell

Unfortunately they do. I witnessed two outbursts in my political science class in my second year of college and was absolutely astounded. And it was in a super liberal area only 8 years ago. One girl (who was on a full ride because of a state program that gives free tuition to the top percentile) yelled in full

Did you ever see Religulous in which a senator says “You don’t have to pass an IQ test to be a senator?” Every time my district elects a former pro-football player to a seat I’m reminded of that quote.

Jeez. Where city do you work in?