
I didn’t see the whole thing, and quite frankly had no idea this was even a show, but what bothered me most about this clip was how perplexed they seemed with what Amber Rose was getting at. I use the same tone of “Ok” when someone tells me vaccines cause autism.

Dr. Love, is that you?

I always throw balls at people wearing sports jerseys. They always get so mad, but I mean com on. Why would you a jersey if don’t want a baseball chucked at your face?

I’m sorry, but the visual here made me lol! I don’t have a heavy period, but I do work out pretty hard with mine in. never had a problem. The cup functions by creating a seal and kind of suctioning up there. It’s not going to pop out and spew blood everywhere. I really think the trick is finding the right one. I

Same, but i developed a routine to get it into place-a few jumps up and down, then a little squirm dance like I really need to pee, and it’s in!

I was thinking the same thing. And the plastic bag thing—I was driving to work on a very busy highway in Philadelphia where people drive like jerks. There was a truck in front of me with plastic flying around in the back of it. Before I could get over, my entire windshield was covered in the clear plastic for a moment

Wait. Kourtney. Kardashian. Kit. Kat. All these Ks...

No, she has no idea how insane and boring that is because she is paid tons of money to be filmed being insane and boring and then thousands of insane and boring people tune in to watch her and her family being insane and boring on TV for an hour each week. She and her siblings are probably some of the least

(not saying there aren’t white muslims. Just sayin’ come on. If you’re trying to reach a market, maybe have a model that reflects the demographics)

The Colburn plates thing is so suspicious. But didn’t the Avery family agree to cooperate in the investigation at that point? If Colburn did find the car there, why wouldn’t he have just called it in?

My boyfriend was saying, “why isn’t her family more upset by the evidence that there wasn’t a real investigation?” If I was in their position I too might just want the whole nightmare to be over—to have some closure. But as an outsider, absolutely. Just like the guy that raped two women while Avery was serving time,

Sadly, that’s the difference between multi-hundred thousand dollar defense lawyers and public defenders. Most public defenders are working dozens if not hundreds of cases at one time with no money or resources to form a proper defense. Len Kachinsky is just the worst, though. He should have been disbarred for his

All I think of looking at this cover is how terribly awkward that pose is.

I don’t know, I think this is a pretty common thing. I grew up in New Jersey and there are plenty of “dry” towns that don’t sell alcohol in restaurants or stores (needless to say, they have no bars).

No, lil’ turnip. Keep it up. It’s the broadest statement ever made. What gets me is anything referring to “detox.” You have a liver and kidneys and if they aren’t working properly, no effing tea or juice will fix that for you. Sorry, I’m a lil bit drunk too.

The best!

YUP. I was at my terminal waiting for a flight a couple months ago and Paul Ryan showed up with his aide. I spent so many months back in 2012 absolutely despising this man that I just sat there, staring in disbelief. My boyfriend joked, “wouldn’t it be funny if he’s seated right next to us?” I scoffed, assuming he’d

OMG Kiddie City! We had one over the bridge in Burlington, NJ. Was that just a regional thing?

I got Felicity on the cusp of my doll days when my Mom finally thought I was responsible enough to have an expensive doll. Needless to say, she got very little attention after Christmas morning. I still feel guilty about the barely enjoyed $80~ doll, so I’ve kept her in storage.