
Do it. I don’t remember ever wanting an EZ Bake Oven, but my Mom was really weird about ultra feminine toys and games which is all I ever wanted. I was refused anything too pink or too princess-y. I never had barbies, but cabbage patch dolls in gender-neutral colors were fine. I wanted to do ballet, my mom signed me

Yeah, my Mom didn’t trust me to take care of an expensive doll until I was on the cusp of my doll days. I got an American Doll two years in a row for Christmas and by the next year, I was too old to play with dolls. I still kind of feel bad my parents spent all that money only to put Felicity and Molly to rest in

You monster.

SAME! Except for my panda bear. Manda Panda slept with me every night and the others had to take turns as my second stuffed animal.

American Girl Dolls! I got my first one when I was 10 or 11 and I’ll never forget it. Christmas morning, we opened all of our presents and although I got plenty of cool stuff, there was no Molly or Felicity that I had pleaded for. I was certain this was the year I was going to finally get one since my Mother seemed to

Boxed wine 4 lyfe.

She’s older so hyperthyroid is very likely and totally manageable. The medication is also the same meds they use on people, so I get two months worth (generic) at my grocery store’s pharmacy for around $10. At the time of the thyroid diagnosis I switched him to wet food, because the dry food was too hard on his old

Statistically, a woman in an abusive relationship with leave her abusive partner an average of 7 times before leaving for good. So I know it gets frustrating to you as her friend that she keeps returning, but her confiding in you is a huge step. If he’s being physically abusive, you can assume she’s also being

So sorry you’re having health issues, Kate. I just gave this same suggestion to a friend of mine who was having a friend in mourning stay at her place for a weekend. If you haven’t yet, binge the entire season of Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt on Netflix. When I was going through some hard times and could barely get out

I know what I’m about to say is probably impossible, but try not to worry too much! My cat lost 3 lbs very quickly and started having weird neurological episodes that almost seemed like seizures. I was sure he was a goner, but it turned out to be his thyroid. That was about three years ago, and he’s doing amazing!

OMG! That’s it! Blob fish- for so long I’ve been trying to figure out that face. The best I could come up with was melting wax figure, but blob fish is spot on.

Agreed. I quite Gawking the night they outed a certain CFO, but I couldn’t give up my Jezebel. I haven’t been on the Gawker page since, but it’s nice to get the curated articles from time to time. Except for that one time a “500 days of Kristin” or whatever showed up on Jez. I was so mad.

I have to say, that phrase seems a little uncharacteristic for Gwyneth. Then again, she does love her colon cleanses.

It’s actually quite impressive given all of the other terrible, drunk, obnoxious people wandering around the streets of Austin right about now.

My thoughts exactly.

Speaking with the experience of an adult woman who was once a naive teenage girl that hung around guys in there 30’s, there is absolutely no reason a 39 year old wants to just be friends with a 19 year old. Side note: I had no idea Alex Baldwin had such a beautiful daughter.

This happened to a friend of mine when we were teenagers getting stoned in a graveyard near her house (I swear, we weren’t goth). A 3-foot marble urn fell on her leg and it took all three of us to get it off her. Luckily one of the boys we were kissing that night had a car and was able to drive her to the hospital and

You need to go there ASAP. The cemetery in Treme is by far the best. I wouldn’t go about banging randos there, though. I definitely saw where homeless people sleep at night behind some of the tombs and there are always a few tour guides wandering around trying to give you a tour for a “donation.” But it is the best

Oh no, my Perfect Oprah gif didn't work!

I feel like I've seen that cancer monster somewhere before...