American Locomotive

I think GM just failed massively with implementation of this engine. They likely couldn’t meet their durability or emissions targets with a lean air fuel ratio during highway cruise, and as a result have to run more rich than they anticipated.

There’s nothing inherent about “boost” that says you need to dump in more

It’s not just frictional losses, it’s pumping losses as well. Larger displacement engines (and those with more cylinders) have far more internal friction, and physically “pump” more air. This wastes a lot of energy in low throttle conditions.

You can alleviate some of these pumping losses by opening the throttle more.

The marine numbers can go higher, but they come with a lot of asterisks that severely restrict how often and how long you can go full power. The only 6.7 Marine engine that Cummins guarantees can run that power 24/7 maxes out at 250HP.

Read the fine print on those 550HP calibrations that Cummins offers for Marine 6.7s. The highest power marine 6.7 that Cummins says can output full power continuously is only rated for 250 HP. At 300HP, the rating drops down to “Medium Continuous”. Above 300HP, they’re further de-rated to “Intermittent” duty. Above

The problem with these crazy torque numbers is that the powertrain can’t handle it reliably. Engines that can reliably make 1000+ lb-ft have twice the displacement of the Cummins 6.7, need transmissions that weigh 450 pounds and send power to a rear axle that looks like it belongs under school bus.

Yes it literally will. It’s called gearing. You can make any torque you want through gearing if you have the horsepower. You can’t make any horsepower you want through gearing - no matter how much torque you have.

I don’t understand how they can’t meet emissions. The KLR was redesigned in 2008 with a DOHC liquid cooled motor. Other manufacturers have air cooled engines dating from the 80s still passing emissions. 

The KLR650 has been liquid cooled since 2008.

The KLR650 has been liquid cooled for a while now.

The 90s is new in the grand scheme of automobiles. 

Imprezzas start at 18k - nearly 6k cheaper than your CRV. By 24k, you haver a very, very well equipped 5-door Imprezza with almost every option. Your 24k CRV isn’t even AWD. By the time you add AWD and the same options that Imprezza has - you’re well over 30k.

Base F-150s start at 28k, but that’s a regular cab 2WD

I’m sorry but trucks and SUVs offer atrocious value. A 4-door F-150 4x4 STARTS at $38,700. That’s $38,700 for a truck with CRANK WINDOWS. On the other hand $27,000 will get you a fully loaded Subaru Imprezza with just about every single optional imaginable. You option that F-150 up to be a decent truck (power windows,

You realize the SUV/Truck craze is a new thing, that really didn’t start taking off until the mid 90s, right? People managed to haul their families around just fine for nearly 90 years without SUVs.

Marine anything is expensive just because it says “marine” on it.

This is something that was known about even back in the early 90s. Quake, released in 1996, had a Client/Server model that decoupled the game code from the rendering side of things.

It’s because the game isn’t client/server. Properly coded games run all of the core game code on a separate thread compared to the rendering subsystem. This lets the framerate do whatever it wants, while the game code can run at a fixed speed. Bethesda doesn’t do that, and everything seems to be tied together. It’s

It’s because Bethesda refuses to make a new engine using a proper Client/Server approach.

In Client/Server, all of the core game code runs on a seperate “server” executable. There is a “client” who’s only job is to render the game world. The server runs at a fixed speed, sending game world updates to the client

I just played Lost Coast again for the first time in probably 5 years the other day. It’s fantastic for a standalone level, and it’s amazing how well it holds up graphically today. Sure the textures are low resolution and it doesn’t have as many polygons as modern level designs do, but you can tell the artists put a

What game are you talking about?

It makes me so sad that this thing is going to have a BMW engine. I was really hoping the Toyota variant would have a Toyota engine. The bullet proof ‘Yota engine is one of the things that made the Supra so great.

Now we’re going to have a Supra with German complexity and reliability. There’s just no way this thing