Amber Waves of Groan

I don’t think anyone is construing it that way. The issue is that his compulsion may interfere with his judgment and he may be allowing his child to witness adult sexual behavior, which is no longer considered appropriate, especially when it is not necessary. A normal person would have cut that off when their kid

It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. They’re always screaming about private enterprise and there being too much regulation and how companies should be able to run themselves as they see fit but as soon as a private company makes a decision like this to censor hate speech, they lose their minds and start crying. What part

Aw, thank you! Yeah, it’s amazing how when you divide up the labor based on strengths/likes and when it comes to the stuff no one likes (scrubbing the toilet) you just figure it out and move on with your day. But apparently I am not allowed to ever be frustrated with my husband because he knows how to use the oven and

Well, that’s some bizarrely convoluted and truly nonsensical fantasy logic you’ve got there. My work here is done.

We feel bad for a man who has had a rough life, witnessed far too many loved ones die, and ultimately succumbed to the throes of addiction and depression.

Back in 1978. My friends Dave and Barbara got married. I had introduced them to one another a year and a half prior. We all worked at the same TV Post-Production studio. Now you have to keep in mind it WAS 1978. So, after the wedding reception we all decided to go back home together, since we also lived in the same

I am not a hookup person. The story that follows was made possible by a combination of extraordinary factors, leading to a story that has become a legend in my circle of friends.

(I promise this is about sex. Hang in there)

But is Palestinian really not white? Can't Palestinians be white?

it's true. This man has no dick.

I thought a Sex Bark is the noise one makes when "it slips into the wrong hole on accident".

Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.

Just riffing here.

"And both girls died in a car accident on prom night" is what really did me in.

i think my favorite joke was that the civil rights movement worked and everything is totally fine now.

Oooh! OOH! And can Emma Stone play Adelaide? PLEASE?

If the alleged new movie of 'Guys & Dolls' with Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt actually happens, please please please let Anna Kendrick play Sarah. I can totally see her as the slightly smug and prissy Salvation Army girl who reluctantly agrees to go on a date with Skye, then gets hammered on dulce de leches

Why does the world hate me? Fuck. I was totally into this.

Are we really sure he was saying feminism was make believe? I got the feeling he was saying that superheroes/movies are make believe. I think it is highly possible it isn't clear what he was referencing there.

I find overt religiosity abjectly terrifying.

Is there any stipulation about who the customer has to be praying to?