Amber Waves of Groan

If only Aubrey Plaza knew that babies taste best.

"And while the wife might be pissed at the cruel memes featuring the father of her two sons, I'll assume the $3,564 in donations their family received from strangers who are lusting over her man on the Internet will probably come in handy."

So, if this was a SUPER FOXY SEXY lady felon, we'd be up in arms about the objectification, right? I'm with Mr. Meeks' wife on this one; I don't think any of this is funny or appropriate.

...Seriously guys?

I think it's okay. She didn't care about his approval which I find very refreshing.

Yeah... its just you. He was used as an instrument to tease out the story not as a source of approval for Jane's story.

Jungle Island is widely known for their abuse of animals. They're notorious for breeding white tigers and ligers. They dispose of animals once they are no longer young and profitable. They aren't AZA accredited and have been cited numerous times. They intentionally breed genetically deformed animals into captivity so

Oh man, click through to that picture of George Lucas's behbeh. It's hilarious. The look on the kids face is priceless and adorable.

They're basically saying outright it is just a correlation. It isn't the wine that leads to more adjusted children... It's the mothers.

I love him, but I'm fairly certain Bill Clinton has never opted out of one bang in his entire life.

As a tall woman (181cm or around 6 foot I believe for those who don't use the metric system), I find this photo very credible. I also don't find it offensive. Taylor is clearly wearing heels and as a tall lady it is not hard for her to tower over someone as short as Bruno. But really, can we stop this gendered

He's like Donald Trump — horribly critical of women's bodies while dwelling in a glass house himself. The same smug arrogance and the same weird way they end up screaming FAT & UGLY WOULD NOT BANG over and over like it's the sickest burn ever.

The dude may be a cheater, but he still deserves his name to be spelled the way he spells it: Dwyane Wade.

Real talk, my friend's sister runs in Rodger's circle of friends in the Madison-area. My friend told me that Rodger's was actively dating one of his sister's friends and that he had proposed to her, on the condition that she become a Christian. She said, "No" and they broke it off.

Joan, if you're going to make a living being a snarky bitch, and judging people for how they dress, don't get pissed off when people call you out for being a snarky bitch that judges people for how they dress.

Alright, let's talk about this fucker. Nick Lord is a 25-year-old British dude who is a mostly-competent painter. His paintings are technically pretty fine—his proportions get a little wonky and his compositions are boring and lazy, but he does lovely things with texture and color.

Is it too late to try her for murder? Clearly she messed up and must pay.

Damian Lewis from Homeland made a really weirdly specific jab at Ian McKellanwhilst talking about his career hopes and dreams: he said that he didn't want to end up as "one of these slightly over-the-top, fruity actors who would have an illustrious career on stage, but wouldn't start getting any kind of film work

Yeah he has been heading downhill for a long time now.

Aw man, I am kind of obsessed with those Liev Schreiber photos! I want to turn them into a flip book.