Amber Waves of Groan

I love that I kept my name, mostly because I get to troll people hard when they try to make me feel bad about it.

“Im a f—king actress for 40 yrs. None of us get respect or opportunity we deserve. Emmys not venue 4 racial opportunity. ALL women belittled.” DISGUSTING. THAT LADY SUCKSSSSSSS AT LIFE.

Bowls are the standard dish at my house. Our low bowls have about 8” circle of flat and then a 1” lip. They are perfection.

This is more a public service announcement than something you, exactly, need to know at this moment, but YES, euthanasia is an option for this level of aggression. My husband and I went down a long road with one of our dogs that ended with our vet putting our beloved dog to sleep. A vet isn’t going to do this lightly

I had a friend at University that I found out was white after knowing her for two years. She has an afro hairdo and is the color of cafe au lait. Shortly after meeting her, I met her dad, who was white. So I thought she was mixed until one day I met her mom—who she had been estranged from—and her mom is also white,

I’ve been to plenty of weddings, but never seen nor taken part in any hook-ups. That is, until last summer, when, at my brother’s wedding, our cousin slipped into the neighboring orchard with the bride’s sister.

Race is a cultural concept of course so there's no "right" answer here, but my Arab family members consider themselves white and Arabs are categorized as white in the US Census.

I always think Lewis looks weirdly calculated and uncomfortable on stage. Not easy. Not breezy. Just me?

They named the baby Briar Rose! Ahh! Cinderella was taken? Maleficient to hard to spell? Snow White sounds racist?

Are you reporting on what they are saying, though? Or just repeating it? It's one thing to say that RDJ said "X" <—direct quote and it's being construed to mean Y, isn't the media interesting? And its entirely another to say RDJ said X and it means Y.

Me too! There were too many hilarious cultural references. I would have watched just for the scenes with the hipster neighbor.

Minaj had a snakeskin-like pattern painted on her skin. The photo doesn't show it very well, so it just looks weird and bruise-y.

Minaj had a snakeskin-like pattern painted on her skin. The photo doesn't show it very well, so it just looks weird and bruise-y.

I have TimerCam on my iPad and the case will hold the screen up. Easy peasy selfies that don't look like selfies! My husband and I were traveling in a non-touristy and generally uncrowded part of Europe, so it's not even like we could have asked someone to take our picture much of the time.

Woot woot!

Woot woot!


The conversation is really better recapped as 'Kristen Bell does not plan on denying the existence of sex to her child, acknowledges that most people enjoy sex, refuses to be shamed for sexy movie roles.'

Ah, I see. Thanks.

From reddit: