Amber Waves of Groan

I can't stand it when parents' profile pictures are not of themselves, but of their children. I want to tell them, "Lacan called, he wants you to know that you are not your child."

there are 15,000 lakes in Wisconsin...

-Tammy Baldwin

Yes. This. I can see why she appeals to teenaged girls with all the drama and seeming clarity of vision, but it is actually delusional, self-centered, ignorant, and rude.

Yes, I was just about to say that Aleph, as yet, has not claimed to be a girl child stuck in a boy child's body. Maybe next year?

I don't understand this either. I would assume that you'd want it on his record & him in jail if it is true...

YES. Thank you. Gawdawfulpanderingheadline. Eyeroll.

i hope the "water safety awareness fund" is used to try to get legislation passed on the use of jetskis. they really shouldn't be anywher near swimmers. Also, I can't wait for more of The Voice! It took me a while to give it a try and i love it!

Study after study has demonstrated that "screen time" of any sort (tv on in room for adults included) is bad for kids under two years of age: it lowers their IQ, ability to self-soothe, self-calm, and self-entertain. It is overwhelming and over-stimulating and does bad things. So, yeah, I do think taking a baby to a

But also, Maura Friedman would like to suggest (apparently seriously and non-sarcastically) that to associate the sort of pro-scriptive feminity sarcastically and non-seriously evoked in the original article with the South is unfair and simple-minded. To which i say, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn."

If it had been written in another part of the country, then the comments would have latched onto the author's status as a sorority girl. Honestly, the piece wasn't good enough to come off as satire, so it just came off as hella backwards. And what, pray tell, might some be some bastions of backwardness? Conservatism,

I think the article does a good job of pointing out how it is the cultures around marriage and cohabitation that create the differences, not anything essential or biological. Studies like this are part of the solution, not the problem, as they help us discover how and when our cultures help or impede us.

For every group of people you add to a study, the cost of doing the stdy increases dramatically. To reduce the margins of error, each group needs to be sizeable (say, 300 people, or 300 dyads). So, while I am sure that the researchers would love to include many more couples from many more backgrounds, their budget

i don't think another person's success should detract from your work, and i don't see anything in this article that suggests otherwise.

:-( i hope your sister is okay. what a tough situation for you and your family.

have you read the Mistborn series? i just finished book 1 & loved it!

Posting to agree with MoRex: not your problem. you might think it is, but that is just an old habit talking!

mcLeod's Daughters (Australian evening soap that is stupid but awesome)

yeah, i don't have kids, but have worked as a nanny. Kids don't learn things the first, second, or third time you tell them. taking care of kids involves constant repitition...that's hot and dangerous, stay away....the stove is super hot and dangerous! ... be careful around that stove ... and you still find the kid

my friend's dad got gay married in Canada and he now wants to get a divorce, but can't because he's an American. So he's trying for Canadan citizenship so that he can get Caadian gay divorced. Complicated!