Amber Waves of Groan

Yes, that sounds wonderful. If you just want to go to the gym, but not "be of" the gym...

You can win! Love the skin you are in! It is the color it is! Let it be!

My family has a history of extreme sensitivity to medication, so neither myself nor my siblings had general anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal. Local worked fine. My teeth were impacted, but not attached strongly to the jaw bone. However, get this, I had "extra" wisdom teeth (they looked like popcorn kernals once

Little known fact: Reagan's popularity was and is exaggerated by the media. "most popular" is a myth.

Why do grown ups use height when trying to determine the age of other grown ups? I stopped growing by the time i was 18; most people do. so, height is not a good way to predict who is 18 or 28 or 38.

Junk in hand is twice as big as junk in the bush!

The apparent size of your hand doesn't change?! What? How? I don't want these for portion control, i want them for fun and games!

try asking in the forums

this post seems mean-spirited. especially the bit about the woman who is struggling with a serious addiction.

Wentworth makes my teeth sweat.

Communication Research is one of the top journals in the field, so the study was clearly peer-reviewed and held to a high standard. It's not an experiment, so not everything can be controlled for, but it does tell a pretty compelling story about thevrelationship between screen time and self esteem. As for the effects

"but, dammit, when a Smithy goes to prison, she writes a clever and compelling book about it."

Because we're still at war and ... oh, look, boobs!

Well, then I guess I'm for it!

I mostly use siri to make phone calls, "Call Dad at his office." But that's really not Siri-specific tech.

That Tom Cruise photo needs to be a new meme. please.

It's not just her eyes, she looks entirely like a Photoshopped wax figurine.

Um, Madison was a U.S. President.

i have a friend Angharad. she goes by Angel and loves her name. i love the name Niamh.

Aw, I love the hammer. He likes it "smooooooth...rough!" Good luck with your flirting endeavers, LuckyFrog!