Amber Waves of Groan

It's kind of regressive to suggest that one form of communication is manly and another isn't, don't you think?

Don't blame the technology, blame the suckers who use it to play weird grey-zone games.

Keep it to yourself. At most you say, "You were the first person I thought of when I woke up. :-)"

i have scrrenshots of text conversations from when i first started dating my boyfriend. Some men know how to flirt via text. oh yes they do.

i am really sorry for your loss.

my mom has no interest in what we call, "Hallmark Holidays." since we usually talk on Sundays, the usual 'I love you,' is all she wants or gets.

Snooki is hilarious. please tell me there will bean audio book.

ha ha ha. love this! I spend way too much time thinking about my friends and family. i try to cut back, but they are just so funny and caring that i can't resist!

Agreed. It seems strange to do this study with toddlers. I mean, they are still in diapers and barely walking, right? So many kids seem to get streamlined once they get moving (walking, rather than toddling!)

i recently rewatched Short Circuit (it was a childhood favorite). My jaw hit the floor when the Fisher Stevens character appeared on screen. How on Earth had i never registered that this character was so sterotypical and played by a white man in brown face? i mean, i grew up in a mostly-white part of Wisconsin, but

My friend Ann tells a very funny story about neighbors coming over to ask her and her boyfriend if they could "turn the music down." Yeah...they hadn't been playing any music.

yes, thank you. agreed.

love that!

"Still no word on the scientific validity of 'Texas Forever.'"

i just watched that the other day! totally fascinating. i kinda love how that show exposes how messy everyone's history know, her Muslim father who fought with the Nazis, was imprisoned for theft, was in a labor cmp for opposing the communists, had a first wife she'd never heard of...and was this cheerful,

awful. Mr. J and Miss J were the only people who were even remotely kind to the models. nigel ogles them. Tyra and Kelly play good bully, bad bully.

This raises the question: who did he think he was texting your mom's boobs to? and why?

I think that's Anne Bancroft in the role of Anne Sullivan, not an actual picture of Sullivan. But, yeah, there's a resemblance. []

Newt as a Newt! The facial expression! Amazing. I love etsy.

My good friend broke up with Banana Republic. It was really drawn out and sad. She's really tiny (XXS and short) and has very few clothing options in the midwest where tiny people are few and far between. Banana Republic started putting ruffles and fluff on everything and it was very sad. She dreams of moving to a