Amber Waves of Groan

My boyfriend and his dad have the same first name. also, it is the same name as my ex. Solution? the Ex is in my phone as Lastname Lastname and the boyfriend's dad is Doctor Blastname. We don't send explicit texts but i would still be mortified if the dad or the ex got a message saying, "Just come to my place for

my fave ladies (Amy Poehler & Alison Brie) look fabulous!

oh, yes please!

so, it seems like a lot of people comment without reading the article.

Dear S. E. Cupp,

replying to agree.

well, that same anti-semite did make a film about Jesus the kick ass Jew. Of course he did it in an anti-semitic way...

because of course it is the man, Pitt, who would rather not be married. Not, say, the twice-divorced Jolie who not only prefers not to marry, but publicly stated such. sigh.

i agree. People are so used to seeing overweight dogs that they try to tell me mine is underweight. oh well, at least then i can show them how a fit dog feels and moves. Poor Corbin with those rolls of flesh...Corgis are working dogs and happy to walk, making them fairly easy to keep trim.

i kept waiting for the person to tell Corbin he's a good dog. So good!

for neonates. better?

Wow, is this article inflammatory.

yeah, this kind of diversity is good. My nice relatives sit by Mary Margaret and her endless, pointless stories; the meanies and I criticize things and then try to change the world.

ah, i appreciate your reference. kudos.

"children are made to look fake and adult by parents who act fake and like children" ... Every Toddlers and Tiaras story.

"The Quiff"?!?!?! Is that the name for that hairdo? So funny.

Dang, you should get work in casting!


Glad she's okay. Having been on that pier, i have to note that the water there is no joke. There are very strict warnings to stay off it during storms and memorials to lives lost due to accidents.

Agreed. "hopped up on Diet Coke and their periods" made me laugh so hard.