Amber Waves of Groan

I'm with Diddy. Having a clean, smooth floor is so wonderful. Feels like success. Take off your shoes!

How often do people have to do the "prescription-renewal doctor visits" for this stuff?

It's a mix of Hipster Filler and a 14-year-old's idea of romance (PAIN! OH, THE GLORIOUS SUFFERING!!)

I grew up with a mother who thinks the human form is quite ugly and should be covered up. So, I've always appreciated and needed role models who are unashamed of their flesh. Still, Rihanna's statement makes me uncomfortable...not sure why...

Let's also make people watch dental cleanings before getting one.

The problem is that they are "finding the cause and making medicine to treat that" for men, regardless of whether the cause and treatment are the same for women. What increases the price of medicine is giving people pill after pill that won't work because it wasn't designed to work with their body chemistry.

America, where public schools can't teach SCIENCE to your kid if you object, but they can BEAT him/her regardless of your wishes.

Is "proportional gender representation" what is needed? Seems like they need seperate trials for men and women? And if not simultaneous, then using rates of affliction to determine who goes first.

you do know that the textile industry is a major polluter, right?

"Oh? You made a movie? Maybe you should have made a baby instead."

Agreed. The threat/perception of discrimination against white people fuels so much of their bullshit.

But this *is* exploiting young girls. Pretending they have a chance to get out of poverty via a safe, non-debt creating system, then making money off of them for a time, then rejecting them while they are still "in debt" to you for changing in size by 1cm?

What kind of a culture would we live in if we only talked to or touched people who we fully agree with all the time? I am very concerned with the continual assertion that we are responsible for all of the beliefs of all of the people we have ever had any sort of contact or association with. Seriously, you need to

i think you are on to something. Just like being "colorblind" erases white privledge, not being able to recognize your extreme wealth makes you"main street"!

When people get my name slightly wrong, i just get their name slightly wrong to point it out. Such as when a student calls me Amber instead of Prof. Groan, I then call him Grandpa DiLillo instead of Joe... usually, people aren't getting names / rules of address wrong on purpose and a light-hearted reminder is

oh goodness, they had me at, "extra arm touching."

i just went and read the linked article....

my one married friend who changed her name when she wed did it for similar reasons (i.e., her dad is whack)

yes. this. please!

I find the new Sherlock Holmes from BBC to be fascinating on this point. I've only seen season 1 and so far it seems that Holmes just doesn't care at all what people think his sexuality is or isn't. And Watson, when read by restaurant owners and others as Holmes's romantic partner is frustrated, but not at the