Amber Waves of Groan

really?!?! because giving head is demeaning? or this is a gay joke?

seconding Geologyst. My parents have three kids. One of my brothers looks like my dad, the other brother looks like my mom, I look like a combination of my grandmothers. If you just looked at me and my brothers you wouldn't find much of a resemblance. Each of us looks far more like our various cousins than like

If I have to marry one, it'd be Josh. Clearly the most handsome. Also, he consistently looks totally unimpressed by his father.

In this week's episode of Conservative Fruitcakes, Bob Morris is shocked to discover that the Girl Scouts isn't the Future Wives of America Club and pulls his daughters from their ranks screaming, "I do not want you teaching children with this kind of genitalia that they are capable and have agency! Only the kids

Well, I'm with you on "horribly offensive," but not on "hilarious." I do recall that after that horrible caught-on-tape incident where a motorist ran down some bicyclists he claimed that the bicyclists had it coming. Not funny. He's repeatedly made threats against bicyclists, actually, which is so bizarre and

"A man who can't engage in a discussion of the various ways in which American children are educated without villifying one and exalting the other has no business holding national office."

that struck me as well. the women have children (or not) while single (or not) and while college educated (or not). if we're going to stop piling all of society's expectations onto women and their reproductve organs, lets begin by acknowedging that when it comes to what they do (or not) regarding marriage and family

Die Hard!!! i show a clip of this movie in a class filled with college freshman. by and large, they are aware of the movie, but haven't watched it. When Hans appears there's always a buzz of "Snape!" "Is that Snape?" and "Oh, Snape is looking good!"

Purple. That's purple. Your dog thinks she's royalty.

That is such a good point. Because Mr.NewBoyfriend and I are educated, full grown adults who know the risks of unprotected sex and still find it really difficult sometimes to not be stupid and just fuck. If we were teenagers...I don't even want to guess. You can't tell teenagers "No glove, no love" and "wrap it

Not yet, but I think that might work. Thanks!

I've only encountered the "sex feels 5% less awesome with a condom" type guys before. This is a whole new thing for me.

They probably don't know more because when they ask questions they are called "feeble minded idiots" who "just fell off the watermelon truck."

Thanks for this suggestion. We are finding solutions. Mostly, a lot of communication about when and how it is possible to use a condom and have vaginal intercourse, and when we are happier doing other stuff and when we might switch to not using condoms...

Oh yes, he more than makes up for it in other areas. It's just not something I had encountered before and so the conversation before we slept together was interesting,

Ever seen a guy immediately start to soften when you put a condom on him? Mr.NewBoyfriend has a trick penis.

tell your friend. it will be horrible and embarassing, probably, but you can't close that door unless you know for sure it has to be closed (at least, if you are me in 2008, this is what you will do and it will actually not be that bad because you are only being human)

That's awesome, she's awesome, and the pride with which your uncle is looking at her is the most beautiful thing in the world. Everyone should have a parent who regards them that way.

did you hear her on NPR's Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me? Maybe the best thing ever. She is so smart and funny.