I wish I could claim the credit, but alas, it was KorbenDallasBathroomPass. I will take credit, however, for finding that marvelous Queen-Latifah-as-Gwen-Ifill side-eye gif.
I wish I could claim the credit, but alas, it was KorbenDallasBathroomPass. I will take credit, however, for finding that marvelous Queen-Latifah-as-Gwen-Ifill side-eye gif.
I like von Trier's stuff, but I definitely try to be aware of what being a white cishet male does to my ability to enjoy problematic art (hint: it's a lot easier). It's also a lot easier for me to read things into his movies that he may not have intended and it's a whole hell of a lot easier for me to give people the…
I think the problem is that the top 10% have 80% of the bootstraps.
If you don't think anti-abortion policies are intended to oppress women, you're either laughably naive or willfully ignorant.
Seeing Ed Sheeran makes me want to watch Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
Certainly not! What do you think those bootstraps* are for?
Seriously, they're not even close to the same. Pizza Hut might have some really great e-mail offers!
In practice, 'pro-life' most definitely means 'anti-woman'. Especially considering most 'pro-life' people are also pro-death penalty and pro-war.
"Yeah! I'm tired of all these self-professed behaviors being protected instead of my totally-not-self professed religion!"
In his defense, human beings probably are pretty close to a different species from him.
I have serious doubts as to the veracity of your screen name.
Michael, go away.
Interesting. Have you seen a script for Blue Jasmine? I'm just a plebe, after all, and I know how tightly Woody likes to hang on to his scripts. I don't disagree that his directing style is the same, and of course I haven't seen a script, but I just see dimensions in the characters that I'm not sure I believe were on…
I love Woody Allen's films (despite the whole, you know, him being a child molester thing), but Blue Jasmine really felt like a film where he didn't have that much control as a director, for the better. The script might be the least compelling part of the film - his New York elitism is on full display throughout the…
Oh yeah, Philadelphia has aged terribly. I guess on the bright side, it's (relatively) nice to see an (ostensibly) old dude wishing to see a transgender actor in Jared Leto's role - even if he conflates being gay with being trans*. Shit, can't win them all.