
When I first started playing Apex Legends, the ping system that made it so I didn’t have to use voice chat in order to communicate pertinent, relevant information felt downright revolutionary, because voice chat for the longest time has been the domain of every dipshit who thinks anonymity gives them the right to

It is very much FF16 in a lot of ways. I think that’s the proper way to consider it.

My favorite bit about all of this is exploring these characters, all of them iconic, in new circumstances and a new adventure. That’s something you can’t do again. You can’t 1:1 the impact of Aeris getting stabbed, or the revelation that Cloud isn’t who he said he is. Those events and everyone’s reaction to them

I’m still eagerly anticipating this, but it’s absolutely mind boggling that it’s been almost 8 entire years since 3.0 even dropped.

Having now gotten to play it, it’s become clear:

One look at Hojo and you can just tell “This guy fucks.”

Look at how smug he is! It’s glorious. I can’t wait until he’s getting a tan in Costa Del Sol.

“Stick to video games” is, itself, political. It’s real fucking annoying that the world is interconnected as much as it is and yet we still have “The Powers That Be” pretend that it’s not...but only when it suits them.

I’ve been convinced for a while that Fallout 76 isn’t a game, but Todd Howard’s personal social experiment gone awry a la the Stanford Prison Experiment.

By the end of his time in Miami, he turned into a really lazy defender even inside the paint. He deters shots because he’s fucking huge but overall he doesn’t like moving much.

Excuse you.

On one hand, I’m loathe to support anything Ted fucking Cruz has his grimy little mitts in because it’s 100% certain he’s not doing it for any altruistic reason and this is merely a publicity stunt for him.

There’s plenty of kind people all over the world who end up in concentration camps or get bombs dropped on their heads or get shot to death in a Wal-Mart or get kidnapped and sexually trafficked or have their homes and livelihoods stolen through various circumstances or have any number of similarly awful fates befall

I want to see his fucking tip.

Bill Buckner, God rest his soul, cringed at that error.

Right? Like, he can’t just be a football asshole that eschews convention, he’s also gotta be a miserly cunt at best and a bonafide sexual assaulter at worst.

Don’t forget we have the Panthers too and bad-season Canes.

“But if you knew anything about Kelly, who is infamous amongst the thankfully limited set of readers and colleagues in the South Florida area for being an idiot and a shitty reporter, this really wouldn’t surprise you at all.”

If we go all in on the idea that the defense will basically ignore you, you just set yourself up as the outlet pass for the double team.

“Fueled by five or six 20-ounce cups a day from the Kuerig coffee maker that is an arm’s length from his desk, and maybe a Red Bull here or there, Gase has energy like a power plant. And it doesn’t wane in the wee hours”