
The fact that there’s an entire lost civilization buried somewhere in Valisthea’s background and that there’s an extremely ominous blood red object next to the moon means we’re definitely gonna be hitting those beats. 

I played it in 2006 and got really turned off by how Gambits and the license board worked in the initial release, it made the game more of a slog than it needed to be.

Late stage capitalism is a real slap in the face, yeah. 

Relevant Reddit posts are my go-to for any hobby related question because the first five Google results are sponsored, maybe the first 2 are relevant, and the other half of the front page is exactly as you said, aggregated and unhelpful SEO manipulating pages that offer no help.

I think it’s actually going to be charming how 16 is set in a world basically right on the brink of an apocalypse and yet you can still find levity like with moogles that serves as a reminder of how things used to be and could be again.

Replacing workers with tech is *the entire fucking point* of automation like this. It’s not the means, it’s the whole ass end. You don’t get to “everyone can make anime in their living room with AI outputs and filters” without “there’s no need to pay anyone to make anime anymore.”

Bingo. Paper and pencil exists in abundance and if one is serious about learning how to draw, they can start literally right this second.

Using AI to “create” content is never about making it easier for people who create art to put their work out there.

Death Note is worth a watch just for the utter cheesefest it truly is. 

Soldier of God, Rick isn’t a meme. He’s the toughest challenge in the game, to the point where FromSoft had to actually tell people where he was since finding him was so difficult. 

Yeah, every time I see this advice given, it’s weird to me. First time set-up for any tech I’ve ever received has always gone a long way towards making it mine. Even as a kid, back when set-up was little more than “plug into cable jack and turn to channel 3,” it meant something that it was my system.

Having recently re-played Dragon Age: Inquisition all the way through, it’s held up quite well in 2021. I found a new appreciation for the slower, methodical build-up of its concepts and main gameplay loop, which let me engage with the characters and story more, and the work they did making the Inquisitor their own

Can’t suspend on console or alt-tab on PC perform much the same?

Well, you wouldn’t call a Souls game a “Souls-like, or DOOM a “Doom clone,” or Rogue a “Rogue-like/Rogue-lite, or anything like that.

This is Game of the Year right here. Holy fuck does everything about this game look incredible. Samus unflinchingly glaring at Kraid and silently charging her arm cannon is so damn cool I’m still losing my mind over it.

As someone who just played and finished Death Stranding in the past week, he’s not wrong about the new things changing the way the game is played (I’d have certainly been abusing the rib stabilizer), but what I can say conclusively is that’s not a bad thing. Even though I personally enjoyed the challenge of navigating

I really hope they do. ME3's multiplayer was easily among the greatest of its day and there hasn’t been much like it since. 

I’m old enough to have watched all of this on Cartoon Network when it aired so, anyone young enough to have never been able to see it let alone watch it on actual, honest to God cable, seriously: this series fucking rules. It’s easily among the best Star Wars content you can ever watch.

Not bringing back Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is a major bummer since that was, BY FAR, the best part of that game.

It is the most hilariously overdesigned piece of console tech I’ve ever seen and I am HERE for it. It’s like if Audi made a console. It’s like if Frank Lloyd Wright took a stab at an Apple product. The fucking thing has FINS for crying out loud! The only way it looks even more ridiculous is if it could do 0-60 in 9